Mandarin grammar HSK 1-6:

Mandarin grammar list for HSK_1:

的 (de) - Possessive/Descriptive particle是 (shì) - Is/Are吗 (ma) - Question particle for yes/no questions不 (bù) - Negation word for actions/states在 (zài) - At/In/On了 (le) - Completed action marker和 (hé) - And (connecting nouns)有 (yǒu) - Have/Has要 (yào) - Want to/Need to也 (yě) - Also/Too很 (hěn) - Very可以 (kěyǐ) - Can/May (permission)去 (qù) - Go来 (lái) - Come人 (rén) - Person/People个 (gè) - General measure word多少 (duōshǎo) - How much/How many哪 (nǎ) - Which这 (zhè) - This那 (nà) - That什么 (shénme) - What谁 (shéi) - Who哪儿 (nǎr) - Where为什么 (wèishénme) - Why怎么 (zěnme) - How不是 (bù shì) - Is not/Are not喜欢 (xǐhuān) - Like看 (kàn) - Look/See/Watch听 (tīng) - Listen会 (huì) - Can/Know how to (skill)东西 (dōngxi) - Thing/Things大家 (dàjiā) - Everyone时间 (shíjiān) - Time现在 (xiànzài) - Now一点儿 (yìdiǎnr) - A little/A bit还 (hái) - Still/Yet再 (zài) - Again都 (dōu) - All/Both没有 (méiyǒu) - Don't have/There isn't多 (duō) - Many/Much少 (shǎo) - Few/Little一起 (yìqǐ) - Together能 (néng) - Can/Be able to (capability/possibility)学习 (xuéxí) - Learn/Study喝 (hē) - Drink吃 (chī) - Eat住 (zhù) - Live/Stay打电话 (dǎ diànhuà) - Make a phone call做 (zuò) - Do/Make请 (qǐng) - Please/Invite谢谢 (xièxiè) - Thank you对不起 (duìbùqǐ) - Sorry知道 (zhīdào) - Know (a fact)买 (mǎi) - Buy卖 (mài) - Sell几 (jǐ) - How many (for numbers under 10)今天 (jīntiān) - Today明天 (míngtiān) - Tomorrow昨天 (zuótiān) - Yesterday大 (dà) - Big小 (xiǎo) - Small漂亮 (piàoliang) - Beautiful/Pretty好 (hǎo) - Good忙 (máng) - Busy时候 (shíhòu) - Time/Moment认识 (rènshì) - Know (a person)/Meet for the first time太...了 (tài...le) - Too/Extremely...的时候 ( shíhòu) - When...从...到... (cóng...dào...) - From... to...跟...一样 (gēn... yíyàng) - The same as...比 (bǐ) - Compare/Than还是 (háishì) - Or (in questions)因为...所以... (yīnwèi... suǒyǐ...) - Because... Therefore/So...不但...而且... (bùdàn... érqiě...) - Not only... but also...虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...) - Although/Though... But...如果...的话 (rúguǒ... dehuà) - If...不过 (búguò) - However/But除了...以外 (chúle... yǐwài) - Apart from.../Besides...又...又... (yòu... yòu...) - Both... and...都 (dōu) - All/Both一边...一边... (yìbiān... yìbiān...) - Doing two actions simultaneously先...再... (xiān... zài...) - First... then...越...越... (yuè... yuè...) - The more... the more...完 (wán) - Finish得 (de) - Structural particle indicating how an action is done

Mandarin grammar list for HSK_2:

把 (bǎ) - The 'ba' construction被 (bèi) - Passive marker一下 (yīxià) - A short or quick action; momentarily再说 (zàishuō) - Moreover, furthermore最 (zuì) - Most, -est (superlative marker)比如 (bǐrú) - For example可是 (kěshì) - But, however已经 (yǐjīng) - Already还 (hái) - Still, yet; in addition才 (cái) - Only just, not until就 (jiù) - Then, precisely, just一直 (yīzhí) - Continuously, all along一般 (yībān) - Generally, normally真的 (zhēnde) - Really, truly可能 (kěnéng) - Maybe, possibly一起 (yīqǐ) - Together根据 (gēnjù) - According to, based on除非 (chúfēi) - Unless以前 (yǐqián) - Before, previously之后 (zhīhòu) - Afterward, after刚刚 (gānggāng) - Just now/recently虽然…但是… (suīrán… dànshì…) - Although… but…不仅…还… (bùjǐn… hái…) - Not only... but also...既…又… (jì… yòu…) - Both... and...越…越… (yuè… yuè…) - The more... the more...不但…而且… (bùdàn… érqiě…) - Not only... but also...或者 (huòzhě) - Or (in statements)当…时候 (dāng… shíhòu) - When...只有…才… (zhǐyǒu… cái…) - Only if/when... then...为了 (wèile) - In order to, for the purpose of如果…的话 (rúguǒ… de huà) - If...因为…所以… (yīnwèi… suǒyǐ…) - Because... so...要是…就… (yàoshi… jiù…) - If... then...突然 (tūrán) - Suddenly又 (yòu) - Again (referring to a past action)总是 (zǒngshì) - Always曾经 (céngjīng) - Once, in the past开始 (kāishǐ) - Start, begin虽然 (suīrán) - Although要么…要么… (yàome... yàome...) - Either... or...还没 (hái méi) - Still not/haven't yet有点儿 (yǒudiǎnr) - A little/bit别 (bié) - Don't (imperative negative command)先...然后 (xiān... ránhòu) - First...then...只 (zhǐ) - Only (limiting quantity)比如说 (bǐrú shuō) - For instance, such as还是 (háishi) - Had better, it's better to等 (děng) - Wait; and so on, etc着 (zhe) - Particle indicating an ongoing action的时候 (de shíhòu) - When (referring to a specific time)一边...一边... (yìbiān... yìbiān...) - Do two things at the same time的话 (de huà) - Used at the end of a conditional clause再 (zài) - Again; then (in future actions)最后 (zuìhòu) - At last, finally除了...都 (chúle...dōu) - Except for..., all...对 (duì) - Correct, right; towards可能 (kěnéng) - Maybe, possible从来 (cónglái) - Always/Never向 (xiàng) - Towards; direction每 (měi) - Every; each一样 (yíyàng) - The same as过 (guò) - Indicates a past experience后来 (hòulái) - Later on, afterwards突然 (tūrán) - Suddenly, unexpectedly对了 (duìle) - By the way; oh right最近 (zuìjìn) - Recently已经 (yǐjīng) - Already一直 (yīzhí) - Continuously, always, all the way除了...以外 (chúle...yǐwài) - Apart from.../Except for...所以 (suǒyǐ) - So, therefore为了 (wèile) - For, in order to, for the sake of虽然 (suīrán) - Although, though如果 (rúguǒ) - If, in case, in the event that只要 (zhǐyào) - As long as, only if但是 (dànshì) - But, however不但...而且 (bùdàn... érqiě) - Not only... but also...不过 (búguò) - However, but因为 (yīnwèi) - Because, owing to, on account of或者 (huòzhě) - Or (used in a statement)不仅...还... (bùjǐn... hái...) - Not only... but also...并且 (bìngqiě) - And, moreover, furthermore越来越 (yuè lái yuè) - More and more虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...) - Although...but...先...再... (xiān... zài...) - First...then...也许 (yěxǔ) - Perhaps, Maybe还好 (hái hǎo) - Fortunately, Luckily一共 (yígòng) - In total, altogether根据 (gēnjù) - According to, based on甚至 (shènzhì) - Even (to the extent that)到底 (dàodǐ) - What on earth; what in the world由于 (yóuyú) - Due to, because of只有...才... (zhǐyǒu... cái...) - Only if/when... then...否则 (fǒuzé) - Otherwise, or else而 (ér) - And, but, yet随便 (suíbiàn) - Casual, careless; as one wishes即使 (jíshǐ) - Even if, even though当然 (dāngrán) - Of course, certainly忽然 (hūrán) - Suddenly, all of a sudden其实 (qíshí) - Actually, in fact

Mandarin grammar list for HSK_3:

被 (bèi) - Passive voice marker除非 (chúfēi) - Unless既然 (jìrán) - Since, now that一旦 (yídàn) - Once, in case只要...就... (zhǐyào... jiù...) - As long as...then...尽管 (jǐnguǎn) - Even though, despite不如 (bùrú) - Not as good as, inferior to无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - Regardless of...always...正在 (zhèngzài) - In the process of一般 (yìbān) - Generally, usually直到...才... (zhídào... cái...) - Not until...then...宁愿...也不... (nìngyuàn... yě bù...) - Would rather...than...无法 (wúfǎ) - Unable to, can't非...不可 (fēi...bùkě) - Must, have to竟然 (jìngrán) - Unexpectedly, to one's surprise除了...还/也... (chúle... hái/yě...) - Apart from...also...一直到 (yìzhídào) - All the way until不是...而是... (bùshì... érshì...) - It's not... but...原来 (yuánlái) - Originally, as it turns out看来 (kànlái) - It seems, It appears照 (zhào) - According to, in accordance with尽量 (jǐnliàng) - As much as possible趁 (chèn) - To take advantage of难怪 (nánguài) - No wonder, so that's why虽然...却... (suīrán... què...) - Although... yet...从此 (cóngcǐ) - From now on, henceforth反而 (fǎn'ér) - On the contrary, instead从来 (cónglái) - Always, at all times比如说 (bǐrú shuō) - For example光是...就... (guāng shì... jiù...) - Just...alone...根本 (gēnběn) - At all, simply (used in the negative)否定词 (fǒudìngcí) - Negative adverbs like 不 (bù) and 没 (méi)立刻 (lìkè) - Immediately, right away到处 (dàochù) - Everywhere以前 (yǐqián) - Before, in the past之后 (zhīhòu) - Afterward, after早已 (zǎoyǐ) - Long ago, for a long time一切 (yíqiè) - Everything, every只有 (zhǐyǒu) - Only, solely一边...一边... (yìbiān... yìbiān...) - Doing two actions simultaneously要是 (yàoshi) - If无所谓 (wúsuǒwèi) - Doesn't matter, indifferent正好 (zhènghǎo) - Just right, Just in time除非 (chúfēi) - Unless其中 (qízhōng) - Among, within以为 (yǐwéi) - To believe, to think (mistakenly)以外 (yǐwài) - Beyond, except for根据 (gēnjù) - According to由 (yóu) - Because of, due to至于 (zhìyú) - As for, regarding为了 (wèile) - In order to, for the purpose of似的 (shìde) - Seems like, as if甚至于 (shènzhìyú) - Even to the extent that除...之外 (chú...zhīwài) - Apart from, besides反正 (fǎnzhèng) - Anyway, anyhow总是 (zǒngshì) - Always曾经 (céngjīng) - Once, previously好像 (hǎoxiàng) - Seem, be like实际上 (shíjìshàng) - In fact, actually假如 (jiǎrú) - If, suppose再说 (zàishuō) - Moreover, besides不过 (búguò) - However, but而且 (érqiě) - Furthermore, and好在 (hǎozài) - Fortunately, Luckily哪怕 (nǎpà) - Even if何况 (hékuàng) - Let alone, moreover即使 (jíshǐ) - Even if, even though其实 (qíshí) - Actually, in fact仍然 (réng rán) - Still, Yet并且 (bìngqiě) - And, furthermore, moreover至少 (zhìshǎo) - At least不然 (bùrán) - Otherwise, or else虽说 (suīshuō) - Although, though难道 (nándào) - Used rhetorically to express surprise or disbelief反之 (fǎnzhī) - On the contrary否则 (fǒuzé) - Otherwise, if not或者 (huòzhě) - Or于是 (yúshì) - Therefore, So偶尔 (ǒu'ěr) - Occasionally尤其 (yóuqí) - Especially, particularly当然 (dāngrán) - Of course既然 (jìrán) - Since/Now that正如 (zhèngrú) - Just as, as唯一 (wéiyī) - The only, sole越...越... (yuè...yuè...) - The more... the more...不但...而且... (búdàn...érqiě...) - Not only... but also...不仅...还... (bùjǐn...hái...) - Not only... but also...即便 (jíbiàn) - Even if, even though尽管 (jǐnguǎn) - Despite, although按照 (ànzhào) - According to, in accordance with一般 (yìbān) - Generally, usually相对 (xiāngduì) - Relative, comparatively连...都/也... (lián...dōu/yě...) - Even不如 (bùrú) - Not as good as, inferior to无论 (wúlùn) - No matter, regardless of即 (jí) - Namely, that is既...又... (jì...yòu...) - Both... and...首先 (shǒuxiān) - First of all, firstly最后 (zuìhòu) - Finally, lastly只要...就... (zhǐyào...jiù...) - As long as... then...只有...才... (zhǐyǒu...cái...) - Only if... then...就算 (jiùsuàn) - Even if, granted that反而 (fǎn'ér) - On the contrary, instead光是 (guāngshì) - Merely, just以便 (yǐbiàn) - So that, In order to除非...否则... (chúfēi...fǒuzé...) - Unless... otherwise...虽然...但是... (suīrán...dànshì...) - Although... but...与其...不如... (yǔqí...bùrú...) - Rather than... it's better to...不止 (bùzhǐ) - More than, not limited to并不 (bìngbù) - Not at all, not really甚至 (shènzhì) - Even, to the extent that与 (yǔ) - And, with早已 (zǎoyǐ) - Long ago, for a long time反过来 (fǎnguòlái) - Conversely, on the other hand以至于 (yǐzhìyú) - So that, to the extent that就此 (jiùcǐ) - Thus, henceforth并非 (bìngfēi) - Not, not really可是 (kěshì) - But, However趁 (chèn) - To take advantage of, while由于 (yóuyú) - Due to, because of至于 (zhìyú) - As for, regarding反正 (fǎnzhèng) - Anyway, in any case以前 (yǐqián) - Before, previously以后 (yǐhòu) - After, Afterwards为了 (wèile) - For the sake of, in order to起来 (qǐlái) - Beginning or continuing an action (suffix)掉 (diào) - To fall, to drop (verb suffix)比如 (bǐrú) - For example, for instance不得不 (bùdébù) - Have to, can't help but除了...之外 (chúle...zhīwài) - Apart from, besides根据 (gēnjù) - According to, based on之前 (zhīqián) - Before, prior to之后 (zhīhòu) - After, Afterwards似乎 (sìhū) - It seems, as if好像 (hǎoxiàng) - To seem like, as if总之 (zǒngzhī) - In short, in a word由 (yóu) - By, via要不然 (yàobùrán) - Otherwise, or else还是 (háishì) - Or (in questions), still除非 (chúfēi) - Unless, only if为此 (wèicǐ) - For this reason, for this purpose不过 (búguò) - However, but即使 (jíshǐ) - Even if, even though到底 (dàodǐ) - At last, finally另外 (lìngwài) - In addition, furthermore一旦 (yīdàn) - Once, in case不如 (bùrú) - Not as good as, inferior to尽管如此 (jǐnguǎn rúcǐ) - Nevertheless, nonetheless为何 (wèihé) - Why, for what reason不止一次 (bù zhǐ yī cì) - More than once正好 (zhènghǎo) - Just in time, just right无论如何 (wúlùn rúhé) - No matter what, anyhow以至 (yǐzhì) - To the extent that突然 (tūrán) - Suddenly, unexpectedly倘若 (tǎngruò) - If, supposing何况 (hékùang) - Let alone, moreover再三 (zàisān) - Over and over again, repeatedly于是 (yúshì) - So, Therefore尽量 (jǐnliàng) - As much as possible仍然 (réng rán) - Still, yet其实 (qí shí) - Actually, in fact相反 (xiāng fǎn) - On the contrary, opposite相当 (xiāng dāng) - Quite, rather不然 (bù rán) - Otherwise, or else一直 (yī zhí) - Straight, continuously并且 (bìng qiě) - And, moreover, furthermore原来 (yuán lái) - Originally, as it turns out不料 (bù liào) - Unexpectedly, to one's surprise一般 (yībān) - Generally, ordinary当然 (dāng rán) - Of course, certainly忽然 (hū rán) - Suddenly, all of a sudden不久 (bù jiǔ) - Soon, before long不仅...而且... (bù jǐn... ér qiě...) - Not only... but also...尽管 (jǐn guǎn) - Although, even though因此 (yīn cǐ) - Therefore, so终于 (zhōng yú) - Finally, at last虽说 (suī shuō) - Although, though例如 (lì rú) - For instance, such as

Mandarin grammar list for HSK_4:

不得不 (bùdébù) - Have no choice but, cannot but只要...就... (zhǐyào... jiù...) - As long as... then...只有...才... (zhǐyǒu... cái...) - Only if/when... then...随着 (suízhe) - Along with, in the wake of不过 (búguò) - But, however除非 (chúfēi) - Unless以便 (yǐbiàn) - So that, in order to无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - No matter how... always...既...又... (jì... yòu...) - Both... and...即使 (jíshǐ) - Even if甚至 (shènzhì) - Even, so much so that以免 (yǐmiǎn) - In order to avoid不然 (bùrán) - Otherwise正如 (zhèngrú) - Just as, as虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...) - Although... but...根据 (gēnjù) - According to比如 (bǐrú) - For example假如 (jiǎrú) - If, suppose既然 (jìrán) - Since, now that无论 (wúlùn) - Regardless of, no matter尽管...还... (jǐnguǎn... hái...) - Despite... still...即便 (jíbiàn) - Even if, even though至于 (zhìyú) - As for, regarding相比之下 (xiāngbǐ zhīxià) - In comparison, compared with幸亏 (xìngkuī) - Fortunately, luckily趁 (chèn) - Take advantage of, while为了 (wèile) - In order to, for the sake of假设 (jiǎshè) - Suppose, assuming反而 (fǎn'ér) - Instead, on the contrary与此同时 (yǔ cǐ tóngshí) - Meanwhile, at the same time不如 (bù rú) - Not as good as, rather than反之 (fǎnzhī) - Conversely, on the other hand由于 (yóuyú) - Due to, because of尽管如此 (jǐnguǎn rúcǐ) - Nevertheless, however若 (ruò) - If, in case鉴于 (jiànyú) - In light of, considering除了...以外 (chúle... yǐwài) - Except for, besides虽说 (suīshuō) - Although, though不管 (bùguǎn) - No matter (how, what, etc.)只要 (zhǐyào) - As long as宁愿 (nìngyuàn) - Would rather, prefer to尤其 (yóuqí) - Especially, particularly一旦 (yīdàn) - Once, in case否则 (fǒuzé) - Otherwise偶尔 (ǒu'ěr) - Occasionally, now and then此外 (cǐwài) - In addition, moreover起初 (qǐchū) - At first, originally依然 (yīrán) - Still, as before毕竟 (bìjìng) - After all, all in all不同于 (bùtóngyú) - Different from除非 (chúfēi) - Unless反映 (fǎnyìng) - Reflect, mirror根据 (gēnjù) - Based on, According to对比 (duìbǐ) - Compare, contrast不如 (bùrú) - Inferior to, not as good as替代 (tìdài) - Replace, substitute好像 (hǎoxiàng) - Seem, be like接着 (jiēzhe) - Following, then好处 (hǎochù) - Advantage/Benefit到底 (dàodǐ) - After all, in the end相当于 (xiāngdāngyú) - Equivalent to难怪 (nánguài) - No wonder, so that's why似乎 (sìhū) - It seems that, as if逐渐 (zhújiàn) - Gradually由此 (yóucǐ) - Hence, thus相对于 (xiāngduìyú) - Relative to, Compared with关于 (guānyú) - About, regarding即便 (jíbiàn) - Even if, even though因此 (yīncǐ) - Therefore, so究竟 (jiūjìng) - After all, in the end除...之外 (chú...zhīwài) - Besides, in addition to宁可 (nìngkě) - Would rather, prefer to由于 (yóuyú) - Due to, because of假如 (jiǎrú) - If, suppose值得 (zhídé) - Worth, deserving其次 (qícì) - Secondly, next一方面...另一方面... (yī fāngmiàn... lìng yī fāngmiàn...) - On one hand... on the other hand...照 (zhào) - According to, in accordance with例如 (lìrú) - For instance, for example以为 (yǐwéi) - Assume, think (incorrectly)无论 (wúlùn) - Regardless of, no matter what/who/etc.只要 (zhǐyào) - As long as除非 (chúfēi) - Unless幸亏 (xìngkuī) - Fortunately, luckily只是 (zhǐshì) - Just, only, merely据说 (jùshuō) - It is said, reportedly既...又... (jì...yòu...) - Both... and...几乎 (jīhū) - Almost, Nearly不得不 (bùdébù) - Have to, can't help but总的来说 (zǒng de lái shuō) - Generally speaking尽量 (jǐnliàng) - As much as possible, to the best of one’s ability为了 (wèile) - In order to, for the sake of既然 (jìrán) - Since, now that无法 (wúfǎ) - Unable to, can't由 (yóu) - By (indicating a passive voice)比如 (bǐrú) - Such as, For example即使 (jíshǐ) - Even if, even though只有...才... (zhǐyǒu...cái...) - Only if/when... then...甚至 (shènzhì) - Even, so much so that反而 (fǎn'ér) - On the contrary, instead无论...都... (wúlùn...dōu...) - No matter what/who/etc., always...不过 (bùguò) - However, but正好 (zhènghǎo) - Just in time, just right正如 (zhèngrú) - Just as, as随着 (suízhe) - Along with, in pace with与其...不如... (yǔqí... bùrú...) - Rather than... it's better to...只不过 (zhǐ bùguò) - Merely, simply除了...还/也... (chúle... hái/yě...) - Apart from... also...至于 (zhìyú) - As for, regarding虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...) - Although... but...无论如何 (wúlùn rúhé) - No matter what, anyhow到底 (dàodǐ) - At last, finally反正 (fǎnzhèng) - Anyway, in any case不是...而是... (bùshì... érshì...) - It's not... but...原来 (yuánlái) - Originally, as it turns out一旦 (yīdàn) - Once, in case (something happens)不然 (bùrán) - Otherwise, or else并且 (bìngqiě) - And, moreover, furthermore若 (ruò) - If, In case

Mandarin grammar list for HSK_5:

除非...否则... (chúfēi...fǒuzé...) - Unless... otherwise...尽管 (jǐnguǎn) - Although, even though一切 (yīqiè) - All, every另外 (lìngwài) - Furthermore, in addition无疑 (wúyí) - Undoubtedly鉴于 (jiànyú) - In light of, considering毕竟 (bìjìng) - After all, in the end相对 (xiāngduì) - Relative, comparatively为此 (wèicǐ) - For this reason否定 (fǒudìng) - To deny, negate稍微 (shāowēi) - A bit, slightly难怪 (nánguài) - No wonder, so that's why要么...要么... (yàome... yàome...) - Either... or...于是 (yúshì) - Consequently, as a result绝不 (juébù) - Absolutely not, Under no circumstances在于 (zàiyú) - Lies in, resides in至少 (zhìshǎo) - At least从此 (cóngcǐ) - Since then, from that time on避免 (bìmiǎn) - To avoid非但 (fēidàn) - Not only其中 (qízhōng) - Among, amongst一方面...另一方面... (yī fāngmiàn... lìng yī fāngmiàn...) - On one hand... on the other hand...既然 (jìrán) - Since, given that即便 (jíbiàn) - Even if, even though既...又... (jì... yòu...) - Both... and...偶尔 (ǒu'ěr) - Occasionally, once in a while并非 (bìngfēi) - Not at all, is not似乎 (sìhū) - Seems, appears逐渐 (zhújiàn) - Gradually因此 (yīncǐ) - Therefore, thus只有...才... (zhǐyǒu... cái...) - Only if/when... then...何况 (hékuàng) - Let alone, moreover丝毫 (sīháo) - The slightest amount or degree, a bit根据 (gēnjù) - According to, on the basis of由于 (yóuyú) - Due to, because of尽量 (jǐnliàng) - As much as possible, to the best of one's ability正如 (zhèngrú) - Just like, as不仅...而且... (bùjǐn... érqiě...) - Not only... but also...尽早 (jǐnzǎo) - As soon as possible尽管如此 (jǐnguǎn rúcǐ) - Nevertheless, nonetheless无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - No matter... always...起初 (qǐchū) - At first, originally除了...以外...还/也... (chúle... yǐwài... hái/yě...) - Besides... also...虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...) - Although... but...就算 (jiùsuàn) - Even if, granted that不管 (bùguǎn) - Regardless of, no matter how/what再三 (zàisān) - again and again, repeatedly如今 (rújīn) - Nowadays, currently反而 (fǎn'ér) - On the contrary, instead毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least反正 (fǎnzhèng) - Anyway, in any case即使 (jíshǐ) - Even if, Even though一旦 (yīdàn) - Once, in case (something happens)不然 (bùrán) - Otherwise, if not总之 (zǒngzhī) - In short, in a word至于 (zhìyú) - As for, regarding以便 (yǐbiàn) - So that, in order to若是 (ruòshì) - If照 (zhào) - According to, in accordance with反映 (fǎnyìng) - Reflect, reflection不如 (bùrú) - Not as good as, inferior to至少 (zhìshǎo) - At least另外 (lìngwài) - Additionally, furthermore为了 (wèile) - In order to, for the purpose of只要...就... (zhǐyào... jiù...) - As long as... then...即 (jí) - Namely, that is to say不见得 (bú jiàn de) - Not necessarily, not likely除非 (chúfēi) - Unless, only if于是 (yúshì) - So, therefore, as a result正当 (zhèngdāng) - Just as, right when甚至 (shènzhì) - Even, so much so that若 (ruò) - If, in case根本 (gēnběn) - At all, simply (as in 'not at all')不料 (bùliào) - Unexpectedly似的 (shì de) - Seems like, as if顺便 (shùnbiàn) - By the way, while doing something else由此 (yóucǐ) - Thus, hence假如 (jiǎrú) - Suppose, if尤其 (yóuqí) - Especially, particularly倘若 (tǎngruò) - If, supposing否则 (fǒuzé) - Otherwise, or else一旦...就... (yīdàn... jiù...) - Once... then...正如 (zhèngrú) - Just as, as不禁 (bùjīn) - Can't help (doing something)既然 (jìrán) - Since, now that趁 (chèn) - Take advantage of, while其中 (qízhōng) - Among, of which就此 (jiùcǐ) - Thereupon, thus无非 (wúfēi) - Nothing but, no more than究竟 (jiūjìng) - After all, in the end竟然 (jìngrán) - Unexpectedly, to one's surprise只不过 (zhǐbùguò) - Merely, only早已 (zǎoyǐ) - Long ago, for a long time不光...还... (bù guāng... hái...) - Not only... but also...何况 (hékùang) - Let alone, much less难怪 (nánguài) - No wonder, so that's why既...又... (jì... yòu...) - Both... and...莫非 (mòfēi) - Could it be that, unless正好 (zhènghǎo) - Just in time, just right就算...也... (jiùsuàn... yě...) - Even if... still...何必 (hébì) - Why should, why bother一切 (yíqiè) - All, everything除了...之外 (chúle... zhīwài) - Apart from, besides宁可 (nìngkě) - Would rather, preferably反而 (fǎn'ér) - On the contrary, instead尽量 (jìnliàng) - As much as possible无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - No matter... always...照 (zhào) - According to, in light of经过 (jīngguò) - After, through (in a process context)至于 (zhìyú) - As for, as to一方面...另一方面... (yī fāngmiàn... lìng yī fāngmiàn...) - On one hand... on the other hand...鉴于 (jiànyú) - In view of, considering反正 (fǎnzhèng) - Anyway, in any case尽管...但是... (jǐnguǎn... dànshì...) - Although... but...只有...才... (zhǐyǒu... cái...) - Only if... then...不过 (búguò) - However, but再三 (zàisān) - Repeatedly, over and over again偏偏 (piānpiān) - Against expectations, of all things更不用说 (gèng bùyòng shuō) - Not to mention, let alone

Mandarin grammar list for HSK_6:

假如 (jiǎrú) - If, supposing非...不可 (fēi... bùkě) - Must, have to即便 (jíbiàn) - Even if, even though据说 (jùshuō) - It is said that, reportedly不是...而是... (bùshì... érshì...) - It's not... but...至多 (zhìduō) - At most毫无 (háo wú) - Without, not in the least则 (zé) - Then, thus而已 (éryǐ) - That's all, nothing more than难道 (nándào) - Could it be that, isn't it?不如 (bùrú) - Not as good as, inferior to无论如何 (wúlùn rúhé) - Anyhow, anyway, in any case不得不 (bùdébù) - Have to, can't but不然 (bùrán) - Otherwise, If not不管...都... (bùguǎn... dōu...) - Regardless of... always...唯有 (wéiyǒu) - Only, alone那般 (nà bān) - So, such以至于 (yǐzhìyú) - So... that...若非 (ruò fēi) - If not for, but for要么...要么... (yàome... yàome...) - Either... or...不是...就是... (bùshì... jiùshì...) - Either... or...尽管...但是... (jǐnguǎn... dànshì...) - Although... but...除非...否则... (chúfēi... fǒuzé...) - Unless... otherwise...与其...不如... (yǔqí... bùrú...) - Rather than... it's better to...即使 (jíshǐ) - Even if, even though既...又... (jì... yòu...) - Both... and...由此可见 (yóucǐ kějiàn) - From this, one can see that...至于 (zhìyú) - As for, regarding毕竟 (bìjìng) - After all / When all is said and done反之 (fǎnzhī) - On the contrary, conversely除了...以外 (chúle... yǐwài) - Apart from, besides不仅...而且... (bùjǐn... érqiě...) - Not only... but also...何况 (hékuàng) - Let alone, not to mention假使 (jiǎshǐ) - Supposing, if倘若 (tǎngruò) - If, supposing正如 (zhèngrú) - Just as, as正因为...所以... (zhèng yīnwèi... suǒyǐ...) - Precisely because... therefore...而非 (érfēi) - Rather than若是 (ruòshì) - If, in case鉴于 (jiànyú) - In light of, considering尽可能 (jǐn kěnéng) - As much as possible并非 (bìngfēi) - Not at all, is not无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - No matter...always...不然 (bùrán) - Otherwise, or else趁 (chèn) - While, take advantage of无非 (wúfēi) - Nothing but, only只要...就... (zhǐyào... jiù...) - As long as... then...除非 (chúfēi) - Only if, unless无论如何 (wúlùn rúhé) - No matter what, anyhow只怕 (zhǐpà) - I'm afraid that, perhaps尽管如此 (jǐnguǎn rúcǐ) - Even so, nonetheless难怪 (nánguài) - No wonder, so that's why尽早 (jǐnzǎo) - As early as possible一旦 (yīdàn) - Once, in case (something happens)虽说 (suī shuō) - Although, though不得不 (bùdébù) - Have to, can't avoid难道 (nándào) - Could it be that, isn't it the case?一直 (yīzhí) - All along, continuously终于 (zhōngyú) - Finally, At Last早已 (zǎoyǐ) - Long ago, for a long time何况 (hékuàng) - Let alone, not to mention哪怕 (nǎpà) - Even if, Even though更不用说 (gèng bùyòng shuō) - Not to mention, let alone为难 (wéinán) - To make things difficult for, to feel embarrassed相反 (xiāngfǎn) - On the contrary, instead此外 (cǐwài) - Besides, in addition要么...要么... (yàome... yàome...) - Either... or...与其...不如... (yǔqí... bùrú...) - Rather than... it's better to...根据 (gēnjù) - According to, based on尽力 (jǐnlì) - To do one's best除...之外 (chú... zhīwài) - Apart from, besides始终 (shǐzhōng) - From beginning to end, all along正如 (zhèngrú) - Just as, As正巧 (zhèngqiǎo) - Coincidentally, just in time若是 (ruòshì) - If, in case与其说...不如说... (yǔqí shuō... bùrú shuō...) - Rather than saying... it's better to say...凭 (píng) - Rely on, according to连...都/也... (lián... dōu/yě...) - Even...何必 (hébì) - Why should, why must除非...否则... (chúfēi... fǒuzé...) - Unless... otherwise...只要...就... (zhǐyào... jiù...) - As long as... then...尽管...但是... (jǐnguǎn... dànshì...) - Although... but...不得不 (bùdébù) - Have to, can't help but既然 (jìrán) - Since, given that无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - No matter... all...无非 (wúfēi) - Nothing but, merely难道 (nándào) - Could it be that, is it possible假如 (jiǎrú) - If, supposing即使...也... (jíshǐ... yě...) - Even if... still...唯有 (wéiyǒu) - Only have, only不如 (bùrú) - Not as good as, inferior to逐渐 (zhújiàn) - Gradually反而 (fǎn'ér) - On the contrary, instead避免 (bìmiǎn) - To avoid, to prevent尽管如此 (jǐnguǎn rúcǐ) - Even so, nevertheless为了 (wèile) - In order to, for the sake of反之 (fǎnzhī) - On the other hand, conversely例如 (lìrú) - For example尤其 (yóuqí) - Especially, particularly由于 (yóuyú) - Due to, because of不管...都... (bùguǎn... dōu...) - No matter... always...非...不可 (fēi... bùkě) - Must, have to与其...不如... (yǔqí... bùrú...) - Rather than... it's better to...不是...而是... (bùshì... érshì...) - It's not... but...除非...否则... (chúfēi... fǒuzé...) - Unless... otherwise...以至于 (yǐzhìyú) - So that, to the extent that一旦...就... (yīdàn... jiù...) - Once... then...鉴于 (jiànyú) - In view of, considering就算...也... (jiùsuàn... yě...) - Even if... still...要么...要么... (yàome... yàome...) - Either... or...不禁 (bùjīn) - Can't help but, can't refrain from虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...) - Although... but...不论...都... (bùlùn... dōu...) - Regardless of... all...为何 (wèihé) - Why, how come根据 (gēnjù) - According to, based on以便 (yǐbiàn) - In order to, so that因而 (yīn'ér) - Therefore, as a result若是 (ruòshì) - If, in case尽量 (jǐnliàng) - As much as possible要不然 (yào bùrán) - Otherwise, or else替代 (tìdài) - Replace; On behalf of尤其是 (yóuqíshì) - Especially, particularly由此可见 (yóu cǐ kě jiàn) - From this, it can be seen...更不用说 (gèng bùyòng shuō) - Not to mention, let alone何况 (hékuàng) - Let alone, much less倒不如 (dào bù rú) - Might as well...不妨 (bùfáng) - Might as well...既然...就... (jìrán... jiù...) - Since... then...在...方面 (zài... fāngmiàn) - In terms of...不如 (bùrú) - Not as good as, inferior to日益 (rìyì) - Increasingly, more and more怎么办 (zěnme bàn) - What to do?无论如何 (wúlùn rúhé) - Anyway, anyhow, no matter what只要...就... (zhǐyào... jiù...) - As long as... then...任何 (rènhé) - Any, Whichever无非 (wúfēi) - Nothing but, nothing more than即便 (jíbiàn) - Even if, Even though按照 (ànzhào) - According to一...就... (yī... jiù...) - As soon as...

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