Decoded Slug: 对 (duì) - Correct, right; towards

Mandarin Grammar Point
对 (duì) - Correct, right; towards

对 (duì) - Correct, right; towards

Short explanation:

A frequently used word in Mandarin meaning 'correct', 'right', or 'towards', often used to confirm accuracy or indicate direction.


1. Subject + Verb + 对? - when using '对' to confirm correctness. 2. 对 + Object - when using '对' to indicate direction.


Nǐ de dá'àn shì duì de.
Your answer is correct.
Wǒ duì nǐ de kànfǎ yīzhí dōu hěn zūnzhòng.
I always respect your opinion.
Wǒ duì tā shuōle yīduàn hěn cháng de gùshì.
I told him a very long story.
Nǐ duì wǒ de dá'àn mǎn yì ma?
Are you satisfied with my answer?

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese term '对 (duì)' has multiple uses and meanings. Firstly, it is used as an adjective to indicate that something is 'correct' or 'right'. In this sense, it's often used in response to a question or statement to confirm the correctness or accuracy of the information. Secondly, '对' can be used as a preposition to mean 'towards' or 'to' indicating a direction or position relative to the speaker or context.

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