Decoded Slug: 无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - No matter how... always...

Mandarin Grammar Point
无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - No matter how... always...

无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - No matter how... always...

Short explanation:

Used to express 'no matter what or how, always or no matter how...can still'.


无论 + Condition/Subjunctive Clause + 都/也 + Result


Wúlùn nǐ duōme nǔlì, nǐ dōu bùnéng gǎibiàn zhège shìshí.
No matter how hard you try, you can't change this fact.
Wúlùn tiānqì rúhé, tā dōu měitiān pǎobù.
No matter what the weather is like, he goes for a run every day.
Wúlùn tā duōme fùyǒu, tā dōu huì jiāng qián huā zài biérén shēnshàng.
No matter how rich she is, she always spends money on others.
Wúlùn nǐ zài nǎlǐ, nǐ dōu huì xiǎng jiā.
No matter where you are, you will always miss home.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...)' is a grammatical structure used to express the concept 'no matter what or how, always or no matter how...can still'. It emphasizes that no matter what the conditions or circumstances are, the result or action is always the same or stays consistent. The result or action does not vary regardless of the different conditions or variables put forth.

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