Decoded Slug: 实际上 (shíjìshàng) - In fact, actually

Mandarin Grammar Point
实际上 (shíjìshàng) - In fact, actually

实际上 (shíjìshàng) - In fact, actually

Short explanation:

This is used to indicate the real or true state of something, often revealing new or surprising information.


Sentence + 实际上 + New information


Tā kànqǐlái hěn yánsù, dàn shíjìshàng tā yǒu hěn hǎo de yōumògǎn.
He looks very serious, but in fact, he has a great sense of humor.
Zhège wèntí kànshì jiǎndān, shíjìshàng què xiāngdāng fùzá.
This problem seems simple, but in fact it's quite complex.
Tāmen biǎomiànshàng kànqǐlái guò de hěn xìngfú, shíjìshàng tāmen de hūnyīn bìng bù héxié.
They seem to be happy on the surface, but in fact their marriage is not harmonious.
Suīrán wǒ shíjìshàng kěyǐ zìjǐ dòngshǒu zuò, dànshì wǒ nìngyuàn qǐng gè zhuānyè rénshì lái chǔlǐ.
Although I could actually do it myself, I would rather hire a professional to handle it.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '实际上 (shíjìshàng)' is used to reveal the real, actual or true state or situation of something. It frequently introduces new information or a surprising fact that contrasts with what has previously been stated or believed. In English, it is similar in function to phrases like 'in fact,' 'actually,' or 'as a matter of fact.'

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