Decoded Slug: 一直 (yī zhí) - Straight, continuously

Mandarin Grammar Point
一直 (yī zhí) - Straight, continuously

一直 (yī zhí) - Straight, continuously

Short explanation:

Used to describe continuous action or a straight direction.


Subject + 一直 + Verb/Adjective


Cóng shàngbān kāishǐ, wǒ yīzhí zài xiě bàogào.
Since starting work, I have been continuously writing the report.
Tā yīzhí zài kànshū, zhídào shēnyè.
She's been reading continuously, until late at night.
Nǐ yīzhí yánzhe zhè tiáo lù zǒu, jiù néng kàn dào gōngyuán.
Continue straight down this road, and you will see the park.
Wèile shíxiàn wǒ xīn zhōng de mèngxiǎng, wǒ huì yīzhí nǔlì xiàqù.
In order to realize the dream in my heart, I will always keep trying.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese adverb '一直 (yī zhí)' is used to express the ongoing or continuous nature of an action, occurring from a certain point in the past until the present, or from the present continuously into the future. It can also mean 'straight' in a directional sense.

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