Decoded Slug: 难道 (nándào) - Used rhetorically to express surprise or disbelief

Mandarin Grammar Point
难道 (nándào) - Used rhetorically to express surprise or disbelief

难道 (nándào) - Used rhetorically to express surprise or disbelief

Short explanation:

Used rhetorically to express surprise or disbelief when one's assumptions or expectations are not met.


难道 + Predicate?


Nándào nǐ bù zhīdào wǒ shì wèi nǐ hǎo ma?
Could it be that you don't know I'm doing this for your own good?
Nándào nǐ hái méi wánchéng zuòyè ma?
Don't tell me you still haven't finished your homework?
Nándào tā zhēn de qù le Měiguó ma?
Could it be that he really went to the United States?
Nándào tā wàngjì wǒmen de yuēdìng le ma?
Don't tell me he forgot our agreement?

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '难道 (nándào)' is a rhetorical tool utilized to communicate surprise or disbelief, particularly when a situation unfolds contrary to one's expectations or assumptions. Its English equivalent can be likened to the phrases 'Could it be that...?' or 'Don't tell me that...'. '难道' is typically used in rhetorical questions and is often used to express a speaker's surprised or strong emotions.

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