Decoded Slug: 等 (děng) - Wait; and so on, etc

Mandarin Grammar Point
等 (děng) - Wait; and so on, etc

等 (děng) - Wait; and so on, etc

Short explanation:

Used to show the continuation of an action or situation, or to imply that there is more to the list.


Phrase 1 + 等 + (Phrase 2)


Wǒ mǎi le píngguǒ, chéngzi, xiāngjiāo děng shíwù.
I bought apples, oranges, bananas, and so on.
Lǐ Huá, Zhāng Hóng, Wáng Xīng děng rén dōu lái dào le pàiduì.
Li Hua, Zhang Hong, Wang Xing and others all came to the party.
Kàn diànshì, dúshū, tīng yīnyuè děng shì wǒ zài zhōumò xǐhuān zuò de shìqing.
Watching TV, reading books, listening to music, and so on are things I like to do at the weekend.
Qǐng děng yīxià, wǒ mǎshàng jiù hǎo.
Please wait a moment, I will be ready soon.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese word '等 (děng)' is primarily used in two ways. Firstly as a verb meaning 'to wait'. Secondly, it is used to imply that there is more to the list or situation being discussed, without having to explicitly list everything. It is equivalent to 'and so on' or 'etc.' in English. This usage is often seen in lists of items or to explain an ongoing action or situation.

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