Decoded Slug: 偏偏 (piānpiān) - Against expectations, of all things

Mandarin Grammar Point
偏偏 (piānpiān) - Against expectations, of all things

偏偏 (piānpiān) - Against expectations, of all things

Short explanation:

Used to express an action or event that is contrary to expectations or ironically happened.


Subject + 偏偏 + Verb/Adjective + Rest of the sentence


Tā bù shàn yú dǎ lánqiú, dàn piānpiān xǐhuān zhège yùndòng.
He's not good at playing basketball, but of all things, he likes this sport.
Wǒ yīzhí gàosu tā bùyào mǎhū zuòshì, tā piānpiān bùtīng.
I always told him not to be sloppy, but against all expectations, he didn't listen.
Tā piānpiān zài wǒ zuì máng de shíhòu lái zhǎo wǒ.
She, of all people, came to find me when I was the busiest.
Wǒ piānpiān xǐhuān nǐ, nàgè ràng wǒ wúfǎ shuìmián de nǐ.
Against all odds, I like you, the you that keeps me awake.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese expression '偏偏 (piānpiān)' is used to depict a situation that is contrary to what one might expect, or to highlight the irony of an event. It is comparable to saying 'against expectations' or 'of all things' in English. This phrase is often used when expressing feelings of surprise, annoyance, or irony.

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