Mandarin Grammar Point
由此 (yóucǐ) - Thus, hence

由此 (yóucǐ) - Thus, hence

Short explanation:

This expression is used to show the result or conclusion from the information or situation previously mentioned.


Fact or circumstance + 由此 + Conclusion or result.


Tā míngbái le zhège wèntí de zhòngyàoxìng, yóucǐ tā juédìng bǎ gèng duō shíjiān tóurù dào yánjiū zhōng.
He understood the importance of this issue, thus he decided to devote more time to the research.
Yóucǐ wǒmen kěyǐ déchū zhèyàng de jiélùn: chī jiànkāng de shíwù duì wǒmen de jiànkāng yǒu hěn dà de yìchù.
Hence we can draw such a conclusion: Eating healthy food has great benefits for our health.
Yánjiū biǎomíng zhè zhǒng jíbìng de lí huàn lǜ zhèngzài zhúnián zēngjiā, yóucǐ kějiàn, wǒmen xūyào cǎiqǔ gèng jījí de yùfáng cuòshī.
Research shows that the incidence of this disease is increasing year by year, hence it is evident that we need to take more proactive preventive measures.
Tā yǐjīng tōngguòle suǒyǒu de kǎoshì, yóucǐ, tā jiāng dédào shuòshì xuéwèi.
He has passed all the exams, thus, he will receive a master's degree.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '由此 (yóucǐ)' means 'thus', 'hence', or 'therefore'. It is a conjunction that shows the cause and effect relationship between two clauses. The preceding clause mentions a fact or a circumstance and the following clause expresses a conclusion or a result deriving from the first clause.

Detailed Grammar notes:


由此 (yóucǐ) - Thus, hence

Processing keyword: 由此 (yóucǐ) - Thus, hence

Mandarin Grammar Point: 由此 (yóucǐ) - Thus, hence

Grammar Point: 由此 (yóucǐ) - Thus, Hence

1. Introduction

In Mandarin Chinese, "由此" (yóucǐ) is a phrase used to denote causation or consequence. It translates to "thus" or "hence" in English and is commonly employed to link information, drawing a logical conclusion from previously stated facts.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

"由此" is made up of two characters:

  • 由 (yóu): meaning "by" or "from"
  • 此 (cǐ): meaning "this" Together, "由此" implies "from this point" or "from this (evidence)" leading to a conclusion.


  1. Causal Relationship: It connects a reason or evidence to a conclusion.
  2. Placement: "由此" typically appears at the beginning of a sentence or clause.

Formation Diagram

[Fact/Evidence] 由此 [Conclusion]

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparison with Similar Grammar Points

  • 所以 (suǒyǐ): This means "so" or "therefore." While both "由此" and "所以" indicate a conclusion or result, "由此" often feels more formal and is used in written language, whereas "所以" is more common in everyday spoken Chinese.

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. Formal:

    • 这项研究表明,空气污染对健康有害, 由此我们应采取措施改善环境。
    • (This study shows that air pollution is harmful to health; thus, we should take measures to improve the environment.)
  2. Informal:

    • 明天会下雨, 由此我决定取消我的野餐计划。
    • (It will rain tomorrow; hence, I’ve decided to cancel my picnic plans.)
  3. Written:

    • 经济增长缓慢, 由此引发了人们对未来的担忧。
    • (The slow economic growth has led to concerns about the future.)
  4. Spoken:

    • 他总是迟到, 由此我开始怀疑他的诚意。
    • (He is always late; thus, I start to doubt his sincerity.)

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

Using "由此" conveys a level of formality and seriousness in discussions, commonly found in academic writing or formal speeches. This reflects a culture that values logical reasoning in communication.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "由此" is not part of an idiomatic expression, it serves as an essential linking phrase in formal contexts.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Incorrect Placement: Students might place "由此" incorrectly within informal contexts. Remember, it is best used in formal writing or speeches.
  2. Confusion with 所以: Learners might confuse "由此" with "所以." Remember that "由此" is more formal.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of "由" as "from" (suggesting a starting point) and "此" as "this," forming a bridge to a consequence.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • "由此" means "thus" or "hence" and indicates causation.
  • It is more suitable for formal contexts than its counterpart "所以."
  • It follows a pattern connecting facts to conclusions.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What does "由此" mean?
  2. Where is "由此" typically positioned in a sentence?
  3. How does "由此" differ from "所以"? These questions will help reinforce understanding of the use and context of "由此" in Mandarin Chinese.

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