Decoded Slug: 由 (yóu) - Because of, due to

Mandarin Grammar Point
由 (yóu) - Because of, due to

由 (yóu) - Because of, due to

Short explanation:

The word '由' is used to indicate the reason or cause of something, similar to 'because of' or 'due to' in English.


由 + Reason or Cause + Subject + Verb + Rest of the sentence


Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, wǒmen de yěcān huódòng bùdébù qǔxiāo.
Due to the weather, we had to cancel our picnic.
Yóuyú tā de jiājìng pínhán, tā bìxū nǔlì gōngzuò lái zhīchí jiātíng.
Because of his poor family situation, he has to work hard to support his family.
Zhège xiàngmù de yánchí yóuyú gōngyìngshāng de yánwù.
The delay of the project is due to the supplier's delay.
Tā de chénggōng yóuyú tā de yìlì hé jiāndìng bùyí de juédìng.
Her success is due to her perseverance and unwavering determination.

Long explanation:

In Mandarin Chinese, '由' is often used to express the cause, reason, or basis for something. It can be used in a wide range of situations where one wants to explain why something happened or will happen, why a state exists, or why a person behaves a certain way. As a preposition, '由' typically precedes the cause or reason in the sentence.

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