Decoded Slug: 趁 (chèn) - To take advantage of, while

Mandarin Grammar Point
趁 (chèn) - To take advantage of, while

趁 (chèn) - To take advantage of, while

Short explanation:

Used to express 'to take advantage of' or 'while' when afternoon opportunity.


趁 + Situation/Time + Sentence


Chènzhe zhōumò, wǒmen qù hǎibiān wán ba.
Let's go to the beach this weekend, taking advantage of the time off.
Chèn tā bù zài jiā, wǒ bǎ lǐwù fàng zài tā de zhuōzi shàng.
While he was not at home, I put the gift on his table.
Chèn zhe tiān hái liàng, ràng wǒmen qù sànbù.
Let's go for a walk while it's still light outside.
Chèn lǎobǎn bú zài, wǒmen kāi gè xiǎoxíng de qìngzhù huì.
While the boss is away, let's have a small celebration.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '趁 (chèn)' suggests taking advantage of a particular situation, event, or time. Its usage is akin to the conjunction 'while' in English, denoting action taken during a specific context or circumstance. This phrase informs that the action was executed taking into consideration the advantage offered by the situation or time.

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