Decoded Slug: 正如 (zhèngrú) - Just like, as

Mandarin Grammar Point
正如 (zhèngrú) - Just like, as

正如 (zhèngrú) - Just like, as

Short explanation:

Used to indicate comparison, similarity or a kind of equivalence between two things.


正如 + Phrase 1, + Phrase 2?


Zhèngrú nà jù lǎohuà, qínláo shì chénggōng de mìjué.
Just like the old saying, hard work is the key to success.
Zhèngrú nǐ suǒ jiàn, wǒ yǐjīng wánchéng le zhè xiàng rènwù.
Just as you see, I have already completed this task.
Zhèngrú yùqí de nàyàng, tā yíngdé le bǐsài.
Just as expected, he won the game.
Zhèngrú wǒ zhīqián tí dào de, wǒ jiāng zài xià zhōu kāishǐ xīn de gōngzuò.
As I mentioned before, I will start a new job next week.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '正如 (zhèngrú)' serves to compare two things or situations, highlighting their similarities or equivalence. It is similar to the English expression 'just like' or 'as'. The subordinate clause commonly sets context or provides a comparison that the main clause refers to.

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