Decoded Slug: 最后 (zuìhòu) - At last, finally

Mandarin Grammar Point
最后 (zuìhòu) - At last, finally

最后 (zuìhòu) - At last, finally

Short explanation:

Used to indicate the final result or outcome of something.


最后 + Sentence


Jīngguò quánbān de nǔlì, wǒmen zuìhòu yíngdéle bǐsài.
After the efforts of the whole class, we finally won the competition.
Zuìhòu tā náchūle tā de zhēnshí miànmào, ér nà zhēn de ràng wǒ gǎndào jīngyà.
Finally, he showed his true colors, and that really surprised me.
Tā zuìhòu juédìng gēn wǒ yīqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng.
He finally decided to go to the movies with me.
Zuìhòu, wǒ huì shuō, xièxiè nǐmen de zhīchí hé rèqíng.
Finally, I would say, thank you for your support and enthusiasm.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '最后 (zuìhòu)' is often used to denote the final or ultimate result, conclusion, or end of a particular event, action, or situation. This phrase is similar to 'at last' or 'finally' in English, and gives a sense of culmination or closure.

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