Decoded Slug: 怎么办 (zěnme bàn) - What to do?

Mandarin Grammar Point
怎么办 (zěnme bàn) - What to do?

怎么办 (zěnme bàn) - What to do?

Short explanation:

Used to express uncertainty about what course of action to take.


Subject + 怎么办 + Rest of the sentence?


Wǒ diūshī le wǒ de hùzhào, wǒ gāi zěnme bàn?
I lost my passport, what should I do?
Diànnǎo tūrán tíngzhǐ gōngzuò le, wǒ zěnme bàn?
The computer suddenly stopped working, what to do?
Wǒ bù dǒng zhège shùxué wèntí, zěnme bàn?
I don't understand this math problem, what should I do?
Wǒ mílù le, wǒ gāi zěnme bàn?
I'm lost, what should I do?

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '怎么办 (zěnme bàn)' is a common expression used to ask for advice or to express uncertainty about what to do in a certain situation. In English, it is equivalent to asking 'what to do?'. This phrase is often utilized when someone is in a dilemma or a confusing situation and needs guidance or suggestions.

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