Mandarin Grammar Point
毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least

毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least

Short explanation:

Used to express the complete absence of something.


Subject + 毫无 + Object


Tā háo wú lǐyóu de jiù líkāi le jùhuì.
He left the party without any reason.
Zhè jiàn shì wǒ háowú suǒzhī.
I know nothing about this matter.
Tóuténg de yào yǐjīng chī wánle, kěshì wǒ háishì háowú gǎishàn.
I've finished the headache medicine, but I've not improved at all.
Tā háo wú jiézhì de chīle tài duō tiánshí.
He ate too many sweets without any restraint.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '毫无 (háo wú)' signifies an absolute lack or absence of something. It is often used to exhibit the complete nonexistence or nonoccurrence of a certain concept, idea, action, or thing. This term is the equivalent of saying 'without any' or 'not in the least' in English.

Detailed Grammar notes:


毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least

Processing keyword: 毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least

Mandarin Grammar Point: 毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least

HSK Grammar Point: 毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least

1. Introduction

In Mandarin, 毫无 (háo wú) is a commonly used phrase that means “without any” or “not in the least.” It emphasizes the total absence of something, often used to express strong negation.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

  • Meaning: 毫无 indicates a complete lack of something, whether it’s a tangible object, an ability, an opinion, or any other concept.
  • Structure:
    • 毫 (háo) - Means “a little” or “a tiny bit.”
    • 无 (wú) - Means “without” or “not having.”

Formation Diagram

[毫] + [无] = 毫无 (háo wú)
    |         |
   tiny    without
 → "without even a tiny bit"


  • 毫无 is typically followed by a noun or noun phrase, indicating what is lacking.
  • It can also precede verbs in certain contexts to emphasize the absence of an action.

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points:

  • 没有 (méiyǒu): Means "not have" or "there is not." While 没有 expresses simply that something is absent, 毫无 emphasizes a complete absence, often with a stronger emotional impact. Example Comparison
  • 没有书 (méiyǒu shū) - There is no book.
  • 毫无书 (háo wú shū) - There is absolutely no book (implying a strong affirmation).

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. Formal Context:
    • 这次会议我毫无准备。
    • (Zhè cì huìyì wǒ háo wú zhǔnbèi.)
    • Translation: I was not prepared at all for this meeting.
  2. Informal Context:
    • 他说的话我毫无兴趣。
    • (Tā shuō de huà wǒ háo wú xìngqù.)
    • Translation: I have no interest at all in what he said.
  3. Written Context:
    • 他的表现毫无改进。
    • (Tā de biǎoxiàn háo wú gǎijìn.)
    • Translation: His performance showed no improvement whatsoever.
  4. Spoken Context:
    • 对这个问题,我毫无头绪。
    • (Duì zhège wèntí, wǒ háo wú tóuxù.)
    • Translation: I do not have the slightest clue about this problem.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Chinese culture, expressing strong negation can often reflect humility or a desire to avoid overconfidence. Using 毫无 can help convey sincerity, especially in contexts where one might downplay their abilities or knowledge.

Levels of Politeness

The use of 毫无 maintains a neutral tone, but it can carry weight depending on the context. It is often crucial to be mindful of the surrounding conversation when using strong negations, particularly in formal or respectful communication.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 毫无疑问 (háo wú yíwèn) - Without a doubt.
    • Example: 这件事毫无疑问是他的错。
    • (Zhè jiàn shì háo wú yíwèn shì tā de cuò.)
    • Translation: There is no doubt that this matter is his fault.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Common Mistake: Using 毫无 with positive contexts (e.g., "毫无好处", háo wú hǎochù - without any benefit) can create confusion. It should be used with phrases that denote a lack or absence.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Remember that 毫无 carries a strong sense of "totally lacking" by connecting "毫" (tiny bit) and "无" (none). Think of it as “not even a tiny bit.”

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • 毫无 means "without any" or "not in the least," indicating complete absence.
  • It is stronger than 没有, which simply negates.
  • Utilized in both formal and informal contexts, it enhances expression in Mandarin.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What is the meaning of 毫无?
  2. Provide an example sentence using 毫无.
  3. How does 毫无 differ from 没有? Feel free to write your answers below to reinforce your understanding!

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