Decoded Slug: 无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - Regardless of...always...

Mandarin Grammar Point
无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - Regardless of...always...

无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...) - Regardless of...always...

Short explanation:

This is used to express the idea that 'no matter what/who/how...' the result or action remains consistent.


无论 + condition + 都 + outcome


Wúlùn nǐ duōme de mánglù, dōu yīnggāi bǎochí liánghǎo de shēnghuó xíguàn.
Regardless of how busy you are, you should always maintain good living habits.
Wúlùn wǒ zěnme chángshì, tā dōu bùxiǎng lǐjiě wǒ.
No matter how I try, he always refuses to understand me.
Wúlùn tiānqì zěnme yàng, tā dōu huì měitiān pǎobù.
Regardless of the weather, she always goes for a run every day.
Wúlùn zǒu dào nǎlǐ, dōu búyào wàngjì nǐ láizì nǎlǐ.
Regardless of where you go, always remember where you come from.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '无论...都... (wúlùn... dōu...)' signifies the concept of 'regardless of' or 'no matter what/who/how' in English. It indicates that irrespective of the varying conditions or situations represented by the part of the sentence that follows '无论' (wúlùn), the outcome or reaction that '都' (dōu) leads to remains constant.

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