Decoded Slug: 趁 (chèn) - While, take advantage of

Mandarin Grammar Point
趁 (chèn) - While, take advantage of

趁 (chèn) - While, take advantage of

Short explanation:

Used to indicate doing something while taking advantage of a certain situation or condition.


趁 + Time/Situation/Opportunity, Subject + Verb/Action


Chèn tiānqì hái hǎo, wǒmen yīnggāi chūqù sànbù.
We should go for a walk while the weather is still good.
Chèn zhōumò, wǒ tōngcháng huì qù túshūguǎn kànshū.
I usually go to the library to read books over the weekend.
Chèn wǒ māmā bù zài jiā, wǒ hé wǒ de péngyǒu zài kètīng dǎ diànzǐ yóuxì.
While my mom was not at home, my friend and I played video games in the living room.
Chèn tāmen zài shāngdiàn, nǐ kěyǐ zài jiālǐ zhǔnbèi wǎncān.
While they are at the store, you can prepare dinner at home.

Long explanation:

In Mandarin Chinese, '趁 (chèn)' is a preposition used to describe an action or activity performed while taking advantage of a certain time or situation. This is usually used when the condition or situation is favorable or timely for carrying out a particular action. It's equivalent to English expressions 'while' or 'take advantage of'.

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