Decoded Slug: 没有 (méiyǒu) - Don't have/There isn't

Mandarin Grammar Point
没有 (méiyǒu) - Don't have/There isn't

没有 (méiyǒu) - Don't have/There isn't

Short explanation:

Used to express the absence or lack of something.


Subject + 没有 + Object


Wǒ méiyǒu zúgòu de shíjiān lái kàn zhè bù diànyǐng, yīnwèi wǒ xūyào tízǎo qù shàngbān.
I don't have enough time to watch this movie because I need to go to work early.
Tā méiyǒu dìdì huò jiěmèi, tā shì dúshēngzǐ.
He doesn't have any brothers or sisters, he is an only child.
Wǒmen de gōngsī méiyǒu zìjǐ de tíngchē chǎng, suǒyǐ wǒmen xūyào zài jiē shàng tíngchē.
Our company doesn't have its own parking lot, so we have to park on the street.
Tā méiyǒu dài yǔsǎn, suǒyǐ tā quánshēn dōu shītòu le.
He didn't bring an umbrella, so he is completely wet.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '没有 (méiyǒu)' expresses the absence or lack of something. It can be used to indicate that something does not exist, or that someone does not possess something. In English, it equates to 'do not have' or 'there isn't'.

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