Decoded Slug: 做 (zuò) - Do/Make

Mandarin Grammar Point
做 (zuò) - Do/Make

做 (zuò) - Do/Make

Short explanation:

Used to perform an action or to create something.


Subject + 做 + Object


Wǒ zuì xǐhuān zuò de shìqíng jiùshì zài zhōumò shí hé wǒ de péngyǒumen yìqǐ chūqù wán.
The thing I like to do the most is to go out and play with my friends on the weekends.
Wǒ māmā zuò de qiǎokèlì dàngāo fēicháng hàochī, ràng wǒ xiǎng zài chī yìkuài.
The chocolate cake my mother makes is very delicious, which makes me want to have another piece.
Tā měitiān dōu huì zuò xiē yùndòng lái bǎochí jiànkāng.
He does some exercise every day to keep fit.
Wèile zuò zhège xiàngmù, wǒ huā le hěnduō shíjiān jìnxíng yánjiū hé zhǔnbèi.
It took me a lot of time to do research and preparation for this project.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese character '做 (zuò)' is a verb that means 'to do' or 'to make'. It is used to indicate the action being done by the subject or to describe the process of creating or producing something. It is one of the most common verbs in Mandarin Chinese and an essential part of the language's basic vocabulary.

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