Decoded Slug: ~어/아 다니다 [eo/a danida] (To keep doing)

Korean Grammar Point
~어/아 다니다 [eo/a danida] (To keep doing)

~어/아 다니다 [eo/a danida] (To keep doing)

Short explanation:

This is used to express a repetition or continuation of an action or state.


Verb stem + 아/어 + 다니다


제가 한국어를 배우기 시작한 후, 기억을 나누고 학습하다 보면 어려운 문법도 이해하기가 점점 더 쉬워졌어요.
Jega hangug-eoleul baeugi sijaghan hu, gieogeul nanugo hakseubhada bomyeon eoryeoun munbeopdo ihaehagiga jeomjeom deo swiwojyeoss-eoyo.
After I started learning Korean, as I kept dividing and studying the memory, understanding difficult grammar became gradually easier.
나는 매일 아침 작은 산책을 하며, 그 속에서 행복을 더욱 느끼게 되었어요.
Naneun maeil achim jageun sanchaereul hameyo, geu sog-eseo, haengbogeul deoug neukkige doeeoss-eoyo'
I take a small walk each morning, and in doing so, I have become more aware of my happiness.
그녀는 카페에서 일하면서 항상 새로운 레시피를 개발하고 실험하다 보니, 그 새로운 메뉴에 대한 고객의 반응은 항상 훌륭했습니다.
Geunyeoneun kape-eseo ilhamyeonseo hangsang saeroun resipi leul gaebalhago silheomhada boni, geu saeroun menyue daehan gogaeg-ui baneung-eun hangsang hullyunghaetseubnida.
As she constantly develops and tests new recipes while working at the café, customer reactions to these new items have always been excellent.
요즘 나는 스마트폰을 계속 만지다 보니, 나의 시력이 점점 줄어들고 있어요.
Yojeum naneun seumateuponeul gyesog manjida boni, naui silyeogi jeomjeom juleodeulgo iss-eoyo.
Lately, as I keep fiddling with my smartphone, my eyesight is gradually deteriorating.

Long explanation:

The phrase '~어/아 다니다' is utilized in Korean to denote that an action is constantly taking place or keeps on being done, either out of habit or as a normal state of things. It implies that the subject continuously engages in a certain action or habit regularly or frequently. The verb stem decides whether to use '어' or '아'. If the verb stem's last syllable ends with a 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ', '아' is used. Otherwise, '어' is applied.

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