Korean Grammar Point
~(으)시든지 [(eu)sideunji] (Whether... or... [honorific])

Used to list two or more possibilities in a respectful manner.


Verb stem + (으)시든지 / Adjective + (으)시든지 / Noun + (이)시든지


선생님이 미리 알려 주시든지, 아니면 수업시간에 배우시든지 해야 학생들이 이해할 수 있을 것 같아요.

Seonsaengnimi miri allyeo jusideunji, animyeon sueopsigane baeusideunji haeya haksaengdeuri ihaehal su isseul geot gatayo.

Whether the teacher explains it ahead of time or teaches it during class, it seems students can understand better that way.

아빠가 지금 집에 오시든지, 아니면 조금 늦게 오시든지, 저는 항상 환영해요.

Appaga jigeum jibe osideunji, animyeon jogeum neujge osideunji, jeoneun hangsang hwanyeonghaeyo.

Whether my dad comes home now or comes a little late, I always welcome him.

할머니가 저녁에 전화하시든지, 아니면 메시지를 보내시든지 하세요.

Halmeoniga jeonyeoge jeonhwahasideunji, animyeon mesijireul bonaesideunji haseyo.

Whether my grandmother calls in the evening or sends a message, she does so.

의사 선생님이 약을 처방하시든지, 아니면 수술을 권고하시든지, 환자는 항상 존중받아야 해요.

Uisa seonsaengnimi yageul cheobanghasideunji, animyeon susureul gwongohasideunji, hwanjaneun hangsang jonjungbadaya haeyo.

Whether the doctor prescribes medication or recommends surgery, the patient should always be respected.

Long Explanation

The grammar point '~(으)시든지' is the honorific counterpart of '~든지', which means 'whether... or...' and presents multiple possibilities or conditions politely. It allows freedom of choice for the respected person, without asserting which option is preferred.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~(으)시든지 [(eu)sideunji] (Whether... or... [honorific])

Korean Grammar Point: ~(으)시든지 [(eu)sideunji] (Whether... or... [honorific])

1. Introduction

In Korean, expressing options or alternatives in a respectful manner is essential, especially when referring to someone of higher status or age. The grammar point ~(으)시든지 [(eu)sideunji] allows speakers to present choices involving an esteemed person politely. It translates to "whether (someone esteemed) does... or..." in English. This lesson will explore the usage, formation, and nuances of ~(으)시든지, helping you communicate respectfully in various contexts.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Meaning and Usage

~(으)시든지 is an honorific grammatical structure used to present options or possibilities concerning the actions of someone who deserves respect (e.g., elders, superiors). It combines the honorific marker ~(으)시 with ~든지, which means "whether... or...".

  • Usage: To respectfully express alternatives or choices involving an esteemed person's actions.
  • Translation: "Whether (esteemed person) does... or..."

Structure and Formation


  • Verb Stem + (으)시든지

How to Form ~(으)시든지

  1. Identify the Verb Stem Remove the ending from the dictionary form of the verb.
  2. Determine the Attachment
    • If the verb stem ends with a consonant, add 으시든지.
    • If the verb stem ends with a vowel, add 시든지.

Formation Diagram

Verb Ending Attachment Example Verb Resulting Form
Ends with a consonant 으시든지 읽다 (to read) 으시든지
Ends with a vowel 시든지 가다 (to go) 시든지

Examples of Formation

  1. Verb Ending with Consonant
    • 먹다 (to eat) → 먹으시든지
    • 앉다 (to sit) → 앉으시든지
  2. Verb Ending with Vowel
    • 보다 (to see) → 보시든지
    • 오다 (to come) → 오시든지

3. Comparative Analysis

~(으)시든지 vs. ~든지

  • ~든지: Used to express options or choices without honorifics.
    • Example: 가든지 말든지 (Whether you go or not)
  • ~(으)시든지: Includes the honorific marker, making it respectful.
    • Example: 가시든지 안 가시든지 (Whether you [esteemed person] go or not)

Nuance Differences

  • Without Honorifics: May sound rude or disrespectful when referring to someone who requires respect.
  • With Honorifics: Demonstrates politeness and acknowledges the social status of the person.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Situations

  1. 사장님께서 결정하시든지 저희에게 맡기시든지 알려주세요.
    • Whether the president decides or leaves it to us, please let us know.
  2. 교수님께서 참석하시든지 안 하시든지 회의는 진행됩니다.
    • Whether the professor attends or not, the meeting will proceed.

Informal Situations (Still Honorific)

  1. 어머님께서 드시든지 말든지 식사는 준비되어 있습니다.
    • Whether mother eats or not, the meal is prepared.
  2. 할아버지께서 산책을 가시든지 집에 계시든지 편하신 대로 하세요.
    • Whether grandfather goes for a walk or stays home, please do as you wish.

Written Contexts

  1. 귀빈께서 참석하시든지 못하시든지 답변 부탁드립니다.
    • Whether the honored guest can attend or not, please reply.
  2. 대표님께서 연설하시든지 아니시든지 프로그램이 변경되지 않습니다.
    • Whether the CEO gives a speech or not, the program remains unchanged.

Spoken Contexts

  1. 선생님께서 지도하시든지 제가 돕든지 문제가 없습니다.
    • Whether the teacher guides or I help, there's no problem.
  2. 아버지께서 운전하시든지 제가 하든지 빨리 출발합시다.
    • Whether father drives or I do, let's depart quickly.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Korean culture, showing respect through language is crucial. The honorific marker ~(으)시 is a fundamental aspect of the language, reflecting the speaker's respect toward the subject.

  • Using Honorifics Appropriately:
    • Essential when addressing or referring to elders, superiors, or esteemed individuals.
    • Demonstrates cultural awareness and proper etiquette.

Levels of Politeness

  • Formal Politeness: Employed in professional or formal settings.
  • Informal Politeness: Used among friends or peers but still incorporates honorifics when mentioning esteemed individuals.

Idiomatic Expressions

While there are no specific idioms using ~(으)시든지, the structure is commonly used in polite expressions offering choices to esteemed individuals.

Common Phrases

  • 편하신 대로 하시든지요.
    • Please do as you are comfortable.
  • 시간 되시든지 연락 주세요.
    • Contact me whenever you have time.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

1. Omitting the Honorific Marker

  • Incorrect: 어머니가 오든지 안 오든지 시작합시다.
  • Correct: 어머니께서 오든지 안 오든지 시작합시다. Explanation: Omitting ~(으)시 when referring to one's mother is disrespectful.

2. Incorrect Attachment After Vowel

  • Incorrect:으시든지
  • Correct:시든지 Explanation: Do not add 으시든지 after a verb stem ending with a vowel.

3. Using Non-Honorific Subject Particles

  • Incorrect: 선생님이 오시든지 안 오시든지 기다리겠습니다.
  • Correct: 선생님께서 오시든지 안 오시든지 기다리겠습니다. Explanation: Use honorific subject particle 께서 instead of 이/가.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic for Attachment:
    • "Consonant gets '으', vowel gets '시'"
  • Practice with Honorific Verbs:
    • Some verbs have special honorific forms (e.g., 먹다드시다).
    • When applicable, use the honorific verb before adding ~(으)시든지. Example:
  • 드시다 (to eat [honorific]) → 드시든지

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~(으)시든지 is used to politely present options involving an esteemed person.
  • Attach 으시든지 after verb stems ending with a consonant, 시든지 after verb stems ending with a vowel.
  • Always use the honorific marker ~(으)시 when referring to someone deserving respect.
  • Be mindful of the subject particle; use 께서 for honorific subjects.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How do you attach ~(으)시든지 to the verb 읽다 (to read)?
    • Answer:으시든지
  2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of ~(으)시든지:
    • 할머니께서 말씀____ 저희가 듣겠습니다.
    • Answer: 말씀하시든지
  3. True or False: It is acceptable to omit the honorific marker when using ~(으)시든지 with elders.
    • Answer: False

By mastering ~(으)시든지, you enhance your ability to communicate respectfully in Korean, acknowledging social hierarchies and cultural norms. Practice forming sentences and using this grammar point in conversations to become more fluent and culturally adept.

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