Korean Grammar Point
~(으)리라 [(eu)rira] (Probably)

This grammar form is used to express a supposition or assumption by the speaker, similar to 'probably' in English.


Verb stem + (으)리라


그가 아마 내일 출근하리라 생각해요.

Geuga ama naeil chulgeunharira saenggakhaeyo.

I suppose he will probably come to work tomorrow.

기말고사 성적이 좋으리라 확신하고 있어요.

Gimalgosa seongjeogi joeurira hwaksinhago isseoyo.

I’m convinced that my final exam scores will probably be good.

비가 오리라 생각해서 우산을 가져왔어요.

Biga orira saenggakhaeseo usaneul gajyeowasseoyo.

I brought an umbrella thinking it would probably rain.

저는 회사에서 빠르게 승진하리라 예상했어요.

Jeoneun hoesaeseo ppareuge seungjinharira yesanghaesseoyo.

I expected that I would probably be promoted quickly at the company.

Long Explanation

'~(으)리라 [(eu)rira]' is a somewhat formal or literary form in Korean used when the speaker is making a supposition or assumption about something, much like 'probably' in English. If the verb stem ends in a consonant, add '으리라'; if it ends in a vowel, simply use '리라.' It can appear in both daily speech and writing, although it has a slightly more elevated nuance.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~(으)리라 [(eu)rira] (Probably)

Korean Grammar Point: ~(으)리라 [(eu)rira] (Probably)

1. Introduction

The grammar point ~(으)리라 is a verb ending used in Korean to express the speaker's strong assumption, determination, or expectation about a future event or a current situation. It often translates to "will probably," "I suppose that," or "I assume that" in English. This form is considered poetic and literary, frequently appearing in written texts, poetry, proverbs, and occasionally in formal speeches.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


  • Assumption or Supposition: Indicates the speaker's strong belief or assumption about something.
  • Determination: Expresses the speaker's firm intention or resolve to do something.


The structure of ~(으)리라 is attached to the verb stem.

Formation Diagram

Verb Stem Ending Verb Ending to Add Example Verb Conjugation
Ends with a vowel ~리라 가다 (to go) 가리라
Ends with a consonant ~으리라 먹다 (to eat) 먹으리라

Formation Steps

  1. Identify the Verb Stem: Remove the ending 다 from the base form of the verb.
    • 가다 → 가
    • 먹다 → 먹
  2. Determine the Ending:
    • If the verb stem ends with a vowel, add ~리라.
    • If the verb stem ends with a consonant, add ~으리라.
  3. Attach the Ending to the Verb Stem:
    • 가 + 리라 → 가리라
    • 먹 + 으리라 → 먹으리라

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparison with Similar Grammar Points

Grammar Point Usage Example Translation
~(으)리라 Poetic assumption or determination 우리가 승리하리라 We will (surely) win
~(으)ㄹ 것이다 Future tense, neutral prediction 비가 올 것이다 It will rain
~(으)려고 하다 Intention or plan 집에 가려고 한다 I intend to go home
~(으)겠다 Strong intention or guess 도와주겠어요 I will help
Key Differences:
  • ~(으)리라 is more poetic and formal, expressing strong conviction or determination.
  • ~(으)ㄹ 것이다 is a neutral prediction about the future.
  • ~(으)려고 하다 indicates an intention or plan.
  • ~(으)겠다 expresses a strong will or a supposition.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Written Context

  1. 희망을 버리지 않으리라.
    • I will not give up hope.
  2. 진실은 반드시 밝혀지리라.
    • The truth will surely be revealed.

Poetic Expressions

  1. 저 하늘의 별이 되리라.
    • I will become a star in that sky.
  2. 우리의 꿈은 이루어지리라.
    • Our dreams will come true.

Proverbs and Sayings

  1. 노력하는 자에게 기회가 오리라.
    • Opportunity will come to those who make an effort.

Literary Narration

  1. 그는 영원히 기억되리라.
    • He will be remembered forever.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Literary Usage: ~(으)리라 is commonly found in literature, poetry, and song lyrics to convey deep emotion or strong determination.
  • Formal Speeches: Sometimes used in speeches to inspire or motivate an audience.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 뜻이 있는 곳에 길이 있으리라.
    • Where there is a will, there is a way.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Using ~(으)리라 in Casual Conversation:
    • Incorrect: 친구를 만나리라. (in casual speech)
    • Correct: 친구를 만날 거야. (I will meet a friend.)
    • Tip: Avoid using ~(으)리라 in everyday conversation; it's too formal and poetic.
  2. Incorrect Attachment of Ending:
    • Incorrect: 먹으리라 with a vowel-ending verb.
    • Correct: 자리라 (from 자다 - to sleep).
    • Tip: Ensure you determine whether the verb stem ends with a vowel or consonant before adding ~(으)리라.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Remember that ~(으)리라 sounds like "I really (리라) will," emphasizing determination.
  • Exposure to Literature: Read Korean poems or song lyrics to see ~(으)리라 used naturally.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~(으)리라 is a poetic and formal verb ending expressing strong assumption or determination.
  • Attach ~리라 to verb stems ending with vowels and ~으리라 to those ending with consonants.
  • Commonly used in literature, speeches, and song lyrics, not in everyday conversation.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of ~(으)리라:
    • 우리는 반드시 성공___.
    • Answer: 하리라 (from 성공하다)
  2. True or False: ~(으)리라 is appropriate for casual spoken Korean.
    • Answer: False
  3. Choose the correct conjugation of 살다 (to live) with ~(으)리라: a) 살으리라
    b) 살리라
    • Answer: b) 살리라

Congratulations! You've learned how to use the poetic and formal Korean verb ending ~(으)리라 to express strong assumptions or determinations. Keep practicing by reading Korean literature and trying to identify this grammar point in context.

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