Decoded Slug: ~(으)니까 [(eu)nikka] (Because, Since)

Korean Grammar Point
~(으)니까 [(eu)nikka] (Because, Since)

~(으)니까 [(eu)nikka] (Because, Since)

Short explanation:

Used to express cause and effect, or to provide a reason or explanation.


Verb-으니까 / Adj-으니까


점심 먹었으니까 지금은 배가 고프지 않아요.
Jomsim meogeoss-eunikka jigeum-eun baega gopeuji anh-ayo.
Because I had lunch, I'm not hungry now.
은행에 갔으니까 돈을 인출 할 수 있었어요.
Eunhaeng-e gass-eunikka don-eul inchul hal su iss-eoss-eoyo.
Since I went to the bank, I was able to withdraw money.
조용히 공부하고 있으니까 방해하지 마세요.
Joyonghi gongbuha-go iss-eunikka banghaehaji maseyo.
I am studying quietly, so do not disturb me.
비가 오고 있으니까 우산을 가져가세요.
Bi-ga ogo iss-eunikka usan-eul gajyeogaseyo.
Because it's raining, take an umbrella.

Long explanation:

'~(으)니까 [(eu)nikka]' is a conjunction used in Korean to express the relationship of cause and effect between two clauses, similar to 'because' or 'since' in English. It attaches to the verb stem, stating the reason why something is or will be in a certain state, or explaining the cause of an action or situation.

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