Decoded Slug: ~혹은 [hogeun] (Or)

Korean Grammar Point
~혹은 [hogeun] (Or)

~혹은 [hogeun] (Or)

Short explanation:

Used to express options or alternatives; 'or'.


Noun1 + 혹은 + Noun2


당신은 커피 혹은 차를 원하세요?
Dangsin-eun keopi hogeun chaleul wonhaseyo?
Would you like coffee or tea?
이 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 시간 혹은 노력이 필요하겠어요.
I munjeleul haegyeolhagi wihaeseoneun sigan hogeun noryeogi pilyohagesseoyo.
Time or effort is needed to solve this problem.
그는 강아지 혹은 고양이를 키우고 싶어 했어요.
Geuneun gangaji hogeun goyangireul kiugo sip-eo haess-eoyo.
He wanted to raise a puppy or a kitten.
여름 휴가를 보내기 위해 바닷가 혹은 산에서 휴가를 보낼 수 있어요.
Yeoleum hyugaleul bonae-gi wihae badasga hogeun san-eseo hyugaleul bonael su iss-eoyo.
You can spend your summer vacation at the beach or in the mountains.

Long explanation:

'~혹은 [hogeun]' is a conjunction used in Korean to present two or more alternatives or choices without prioritizing or focusing on any particular one, akin to 'or' in English. It is used to give options, and is often positioned between the options that are being offered.

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