Korean Grammar Point
~해야겠다 [haeyagetda] (Should, ought to)

~해야겠다 [haeyagetda] (Should, ought to)

Short explanation:

Used to express the speaker's intention or determination to do something in the future.


Verb stem + 야겠다


이제 늦었으니까 집에 가야겠다.
Ije neujeosseunikka jibe gayagetda.
Now that it's late, I should go home.
내일 시험이 있으니까 오늘 밤에 공부해야겠다.
Naeil siheomi isseunikka oneul bame gongbuhaeyagetda.
I have an exam tomorrow, so I should study tonight.
체중이 계속 증가하고 있어서 운동을 시작해야겠다.
Chejungi gyesok jeunggahago isseoseo undongeul sijakhaeyagetda.
My weight continues to increase, so I should start exercising.
오래동안 연락하지 않아서 친구에게 전화해야겠다.
Oraedongan yeollakaji anhaseo chinguege jeonhwahaeyagetda.
I haven't been in touch for a long time, so I should call my friend.

Long explanation:

'~해야겠다 [haeyagetda] ' is a grammar pattern usually used in Korean to express a person's feeling of necessity, determination to do something or make a decision about a future action. This form describes the speaker’s intent to do something or that something 'should' be done, mentioned in an affirmative tone. Commonly paired with verbs in the future tense.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: ~해야겠다 [haeyagetda] (Should, ought to)

Korean Grammar Point: ~해야겠다 [haeyagetda] (Should, ought to)

Korean Grammar Lesson: ~해야겠다 [haeyagetda] (Should, Ought to)

1. Introduction

In learning Korean, expressing intentions and decisions is crucial for effective communication. The phrase ~해야겠다 is a common and versatile grammar point used to indicate that the speaker has decided to do something or feels they ought to take a particular action. It conveys a sense of realization or determination, similar to "I should" or "I ought to" in English.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


~해야겠다 is used when the speaker concludes that they need to do something, often as a result of new information or a sudden realization. It reflects an internal decision or intention to perform an action.


The structure for forming ~해야겠다 is:

[Verb Stem] + 아/어야겠다
  1. Identify the verb stem: Remove -다 from the dictionary form of the verb.
  2. Add 아야 or 어야: Depending on the vowel harmony rules.
    • Use 아야 after verb stems with the vowels or .
    • Use 어야 after all other vowels.
    • For verbs ending with 하다, use 해야.
  3. Add 겠다: Indicates the speaker's determination or intention.

Formation Table

Infinitive Verb Verb Stem Ending Resulting Form
먹다 (to eat) 어야겠다 먹어야겠다
가다 (to go) 아야겠다 가야겠다
하다 (to do) 해야겠다 해야겠다
마시다 (to drink) 마시 어야겠다 마셔야겠다
읽다 (to read) 어야겠다 읽어야겠다

Note: The conjugation depends on the vowel in the verb stem for vowel harmony.

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing Similar Grammar Points

  • ~해야겠다 vs. ~해야 되다 / ~해야 하다
    • ~해야겠다: Indicates the speaker's personal decision or realization to perform an action. It's self-directed and implies intention.
      • Example: 집을 청소해야겠다. (I should clean the house.)
    • ~해야 되다 / ~해야 하다: Expresses a general obligation or necessity imposed by external factors.
      • Example: 집을 청소해야 해요. (I have to clean the house.)


  • ~겠다 adds a nuance of determination or sudden decision.
  • ~해야겠다 often implies that the decision was made just now or recently.

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

Formal Speech

  1. 주말에는 부모님 댁에 방문해야겠습니다.
    • I should visit my parents' house this weekend.
  2. 건강을 위해 운동을 시작해야겠습니다.
    • I ought to start exercising for my health.

Informal Speech

  1. 이제 공부를 열심히 해야겠다.
    • I should study hard from now on.
  2. 날씨가 추우니까 따뜻한 옷을 입어야겠다.
    • Since it's cold, I should wear warm clothes.

Spoken Conversation

  1. 배가 고프네. 뭐 좀 먹어야겠다.
    • I'm hungry. I should eat something.
  2. 이 영화 재미있어 보여. 나도 봐야겠다.
    • This movie looks interesting. I should watch it too.

Written Context

  1. 환경 보호를 위해 일회용품 사용을 줄여야겠습니다.
    • We should reduce the use of disposable products to protect the environment.
  2. 회의 준비를 위해 자료를 모아야겠다.
    • I should gather materials for the meeting preparation.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Korean culture, expressing intentions politely and thoughtfully is important. Using ~해야겠다 shows that the speaker has considered the situation and made a conscious decision, which is respectful in social interactions.

Levels of Politeness and Formality

  • Formal Politeness (~야겠습니다)
    • Used in formal settings or when speaking to someone of higher status.
    • Example: 보고서를 제출해야겠습니다. (I should submit the report.)
  • Informal Politeness (~야겠어요)
    • Used in everyday conversations with acquaintances or colleagues.
    • Example: 일찍 자야겠어요. (I should sleep early.)
  • Casual Speech (~야겠다)
    • Used among close friends or peers.
    • Example: 나도 갈비를 만들어야겠다. (I should make galbi too.)

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 생각을 바꿔야겠다
    • I should change my thinking.
  • 습관을 고쳐야겠다
    • I ought to fix my habits.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Incorrect Vowel Harmony
    • Incorrect: 먹아야겠다
    • Correct: 먹어야겠다
    • Tip: Remember that if the verb stem's last vowel is not or , you should use 어야.
  2. Forgetting to Remove the Verb Ending
    • Incorrect: 하다야겠다
    • Correct: 해야겠다
    • Tip: Remove -다 from the dictionary form before adding the ending.
  3. Mixing up with Future Tense (~겠)
    • Incorrect: 읽겠어요 (I will read)
    • Correct: 읽어야겠어요 (I should read)
    • Tip: ~겠다 in ~해야겠다 is part of the expression meaning "should," not just a future tense marker.

Learning Strategies

  • Practice Conjugation Regularly practice conjugating different verbs using ~해야겠다 to become comfortable with vowel harmony.
  • Use Flashcards Create flashcards with verbs on one side and their ~해야겠다 forms on the other.
  • Contextual Learning Incorporate the grammar point into sentences related to your daily life to make it more memorable.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~해야겠다 expresses a personal decision or realization that one should do something.
  • The structure is [Verb Stem] + 아/어야겠다.
  • It reflects a sense of determination or newly made intention.
  • Pay attention to vowel harmony when conjugating.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses using ~해야겠다: 오늘은 일찍 ________. (자다)
    • Answer: 자야겠다 (I should sleep early today.)
  2. Is the following sentence correct? If not, correct it: 김치를 만드어야겠다.
    • Answer: Incorrect. It should be 김치를 만들어야겠다. (I should make kimchi.)
  3. What is the difference in nuance between ~해야겠다 and ~하고 싶다?
    • Answer: ~해야겠다 implies a realization or decision that one should do something, often out of necessity, while ~하고 싶다 expresses a desire or wish to do something.

End of Lesson

By understanding and practicing ~해야겠다, you'll be better equipped to express your intentions and decisions in Korean naturally and accurately.


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