Korean Grammar Point
~해도/해봐도 [haedo/haebwado] (Even if)

Indicates 'even if' or 'no matter how much' in sentences.


Verb stem + 아/어/해도 or Verb stem + 아/어/해봐도


여기서 우리가 얼마나 노력을 해봐도, 상황이 개선되지 않습니다.

Yeogiseo uriga eolmana noryeokeul haebwado, sanghwang-i gaeseon doejiji anhseumnida.

Even if we try hard here, the situation doesn't improve.

그 가게의 음식이 맛있어도, 거기서 일하고 싶진 않아요.

Geu gageui eumsigi masisseodo, geogiseo ilhago sipjin anhayo.

Even if the food at that place is delicious, I don't want to work there.

아무리 많은 돈을 벌어봐도 행복하지 않다면 의미가 없어요.

Amuri manheun doneul beoreobwado haengbokhaji andamyeon uimiga eopseoyo.

Even if you earn a lot of money, it's pointless if you're not happy.

그녀가 얼마나 사랑해봐도, 그의 마음을 이해할 수 없대요.

Geunyeoga eolmana saranghaebwado, geuui maeumeul ihaehal su eopdaeyo.

No matter how much she loves him, she says she can’t understand his feelings.

Long Explanation

'~해도/해봐도 [haedo/haebwado]' is used to say that regardless of a certain action or attempt, the result or situation does not change. It conveys an idea of 'even if' or 'no matter how much one tries/does something.'

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~해도/해봐도 [haedo/haebwado] (Even if)

Korean Grammar Point: ~해도/해봐도 [haedo/haebwado] (Even if)

1. Introduction

In Korean, expressing conditions where an action or situation doesn't affect the outcome is essential for nuanced communication. The grammar points ~해도 and ~해봐도 allow speakers to convey "even if", "even though", or "no matter how much". This lesson will explore how to use these expressions effectively.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Meaning and Usage

  • 아/어도 (해도): Used to express that even if or even though the action in the first clause occurs, the result in the second clause remains unaffected.
    • Example: 시간이 없어도 갈 거예요.
      • Even if I don't have time, I will go.
  • 아/어 봐도 (해봐도): Adds the nuance of trying or attempting an action, meaning even if one tries to.
    • Example: 말해 봐도 소용없어요.
      • Even if I try to say something, it's useless.


Formation of 해도 (아/어도)
  1. Identify the verb stem by removing ~다 from the dictionary form.
  2. Determine the vowel in the verb stem:
    • If the last vowel is or , add ~아도.
    • For all other vowels, add ~어도.
    • For verbs ending with 하다, it becomes 해도.
  3. Attach the ending to the verb stem.
Formation of 해봐도 (아/어 봐도)
  1. Follow the same steps as above to conjugate the verb with ~아/어 보다 (to try doing something).
  2. Add ~도 after ~아/어 보다.

Conjugation Table

Verb (Dictionary Form) Verb Stem ~아/어도 ~아/어 봐도
가다 (to go) 가도 가 봐도
먹다 (to eat) 먹어도 먹어 봐도
읽다 (to read) 읽어도 읽어 봐도
하다 (to do) 해도 해 봐도

3. Comparative Analysis

~해도 vs. ~더라도

  • ~더라도 also means "even if" but is often used to express a hypothetical situation with a stronger emphasis or when the speaker wants to stress the unlikelihood of the condition.
    • Example:
      • 비가 와도 갈 거예요.
        • Even if it rains, I will go. (Acknowledging that rain may happen.)
      • 비가 오더라도 갈 거예요.
        • Even if it were to rain, I will go. (Emphasizing determination regardless of rain.)

~해봐도 vs. ~하려고 해도

  • ~하려고 해도 means "even if one intends to" or "even if one tries to", focusing on the intention rather than the attempt.
    • Example:
      • 찾아 봐도 없어요.
        • Even if I look, it's not there.
      • 찾으려고 해도 없어요.
        • Even if I try to look for it, it's not there.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Context

  1. 아무리 설명해도 이해하지 못합니다.
    • Even if I explain it repeatedly, they can't understand.
  2. 시간이 부족해도 프로젝트를 완성해야 합니다.
    • Even if time is insufficient, we must complete the project.

Informal Context

  1. 늦어도 꼭 와.
    • Even if you're late, make sure to come.
  2. 전화해 봐도 안 받아.
    • Even if I try calling, they don't answer.

Written Context

  1. 돈이 없어도 행복할 수 있다.
    • Even if one doesn't have money, they can be happy.
  2. 노력해 봐도 바꿀 수 없는 것이 있다.
    • Even if you try, there are things you can't change.

Spoken Context

  1. 먹어 봐도 맛이 없어.
    • Even if I try eating it, it doesn't taste good.
  2. 지금 시작해도 늦지 않아.
    • Even if you start now, it's not too late.

5. Cultural Notes

Levels of Politeness

  • ~해도 and ~해봐도 can be used in both formal and informal settings. Adding makes it polite.
    • Formal Polite: 가도요, 먹어 봐도요
    • Informal: 가도, 먹어 봐도

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 죽어도 못해.
    • I can't do it even if I die. (Meaning: I absolutely cannot do it.)
  • 불러 봐도 대답이 없어요.
    • Even if I call out, there's no answer.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Incorrect Vowel Harmony
    • Mistake: 먹다 → 먹아도 ❌
    • Correction: 먹다 → 먹어도 ✔️
  2. Confusing with Future Tense
    • Mistake: 시간이 없어도 갈 거야. (Correct)
    • **But thinking it's future tense due to 거야.
  3. Using ~해도 with Nouns
    • Mistake: 학생해도 열심히 공부해요. ❌
    • Correction: 학생이어도 열심히 공부해요. ✔️
      • Even if (I am) a student, I study hard.


  • Remember Vowel Harmony: If you're unsure, check the last vowel in the verb stem.
  • Practice with Common Verbs: Conjugate verbs you frequently use to get comfortable with the endings.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~해도 means "even if" or "even though", indicating the result is unaffected by the condition.
  • ~해봐도 adds the nuance of attempting, "even if one tries to".
  • Pay attention to vowel harmony when attaching ~아/어도 or ~아/어 봐도.
  • These expressions are versatile and used across various contexts.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Conjugate the verb 쓰다 (to write) with ~해도.
    • Answer: 써도
  2. Translate: Even if I sleep early, I'm still tired.
    • Answer: 일찍 자도 피곤해요.
  3. What's the difference between 가도 and 가 봐도?
    • Answer: 가도 means "even if (I) go", while 가 봐도 means "even if (I) try to go".

By mastering ~해도 and ~해봐도, you can express complex conditions and contrasts in Korean, enhancing both your spoken and written communication skills.

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