Decoded Slug: ~할 것이다 [hal geosida] (Will)

Korean Grammar Point
~할 것이다 [hal geosida] (Will)

~할 것이다 [hal geosida] (Will)

Short explanation:

Used to express that an event will occur in the future.


Verb Stem + ~(으)ㄹ 것이다


눈이 계속 이렇게 오면 학교가 내일은 문을 닫을 것이다.
Nuni gyesok ireohge omyeon hakgyoga naeireun muneul dateul geosida.
If it keeps snowing like this, the school will close tomorrow.
체육대회가 다가오므로 우리들은 더 열심히 연습할 것이다.
Cheyukdaehega dagao moreo urideureun deo yeolsimhi yeonseuphal geosida.
As the sports meet is approaching, we will practice harder.
지난 학기보다 이번 학기 성적이 더 좋을 것이다.
Jinan hakgiboda ibeon hakgi seongjeogi deo joeul geosida.
This semester's grades will be better than last semester's.
오늘 밤에 별이 많이 보일 것이다.
Oneul bame byeoli mani boil geosida.
A lot of stars will be visible tonight.

Long explanation:

'~할 것이다 [hal geosida]' is a future tense marker in Korean. It is usually attached at the end of a verb to indicate that something is going to happen or will happen in the future. '~할 것이다' also implies the speaker's wish, intention, or prediction about the future event. The speaker's assumption or judgment can also be expressed with this structure.

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