Decoded Slug: ~하여야만 [hayeoyaman] (Only when)

Korean Grammar Point
~하여야만 [hayeoyaman] (Only when)

~하여야만 [hayeoyaman] (Only when)

Short explanation:

This is used to indicate that a certain condition must be satisfied in order for something else to happen.


verb-stem + ~하여야만 + Positive verb


일찍 기상하여야만 출근시간에 도착할 수 있어요.
Iljjik gisanghayeoyaman chulgooksigane dochakhal su isseoyo.
I can only arrive at work on time if I get up early.
당신의 결장을 받아들여주신 의사와 상의하여야만 수술 계획을 변경할 수 있습니다.
Dangsineui gyeoljangeul badadeulyeojusin uisawa sangyihayeoyaman susul gyehoekul byeongyeokhal su issseubnida.
Only when you consult with the doctor who accepted your case can you change the surgery plan.
고정적인 수입이 있어야만 주택대출을 받을 수 있습니다.
Gojeongjeogin suipi isseoyaman jutakdaechurul badul su issseubnida.
Only when you have a regular income can you get a housing loan.
훈련에 잘 따라하여야만 시험에 합격 할 수 있어요.
Hunlyene jal ttarahayeoyaman siheome hapgyeok hal su isseoyo.
Only when you follow the training well can you pass the exam.

Long explanation:

'~하여야만 [hayeoyaman]' is a grammar point in Korean that is used when a certain condition or criteria must be met for something else to occur. It's equivalent to 'only when' in English. It stresses the singularness of the condition and is often used to tell someone what they should do in order for something to happen, or to describe a prerequisite.

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