Decoded Slug: ~하기로 하다 [hakiro hada] (Decide to do)

Korean Grammar Point
~하기로 하다 [hakiro hada] (Decide to do)

~하기로 하다 [hakiro hada] (Decide to do)

Short explanation:

Used to indicate that a decision about doing something has been made.


Verb(Stem) + 기로 하다


우리는 휴가를 가기로 결정했습니다. 주말에 휴식을 취하러 해변에 가기로 했어요.
Urineun hyugareul gagiro gyeoljeonghaessseubnida. Jumalen hyusigeul chwihareo haebyeone gagiro haess-eoyo.
We decided to go on vacation. We've decided to go to the beach for a rest on the weekend.
나는 영화를 보기로 결정했어. 오늘 밤에 집에서 미드를 보기로 했어.
Naneun yeonghwareul bogiro gyeoljeonghaesseo. Oneul bam-e jib-eseo mideureul bogilo haess-eo..
I decided to watch a movie. I decided to watch a drama at home tonight.
그녀는 한국어를 배우기로 결정했습니다. 그녀는 올해 한국어 수업을 듣기로 했습니다.
Geunyeoneun hangugeoreul baeugiro gyeoljeonghaessseubnida. Geunyeoneun olhae hangugeo sueobeul deutgiro haessseubnida.
She decided to learn Korean. She decided to take Korean lessons this year.
회사는 직원들에게 보너스를 주기로 결정했다. 고용주들은 내년에 직원들에게 연봉 인상을 주기로 결정했다.
Hoesaneun jikweondeul-ege bonuseu-leul jugiro gyeoljeonghaessda. Goyongjudeul-eun naenyeon-e jikwon-deul-ege yeonbong insang-eul jugiro gyeoljeonghaessda.
The company decided to give the employees a bonus. Employers decided to give employees a raise next year.

Long explanation:

'하기로 하다' [hakiro hada] is used when you want to express that a decision to do something has been made. It can be about a personal decision or it could be a mutual decision made by a group of people. It translates to 'decide to do' in English. The action that is decided upon is indicated by the verb it is attached to.

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