Decoded Slug: ~즉 [jeuk] (That is to say, namely)

Korean Grammar Point
~즉 [jeuk] (That is to say, namely)

~즉 [jeuk] (That is to say, namely)

Short explanation:

Used to restate or explain a point with more detail; 'namely', 'that is to say'.


Sentence + 즉 + Sentence


이 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 즉, 우리가 본 바로는 지구 온난화는 인간의 활동 때문임이 분명하다.
I yeonguui gyeolgwareul batangeuro jeuk, uriga bon baroneun jigu onnanhwaneun inganui hwaldong ttaemunimi bunmyeonghada.
Based on the results of this research, that is to say, from what we have seen, it is clear that global warming is due to human activities.
그는 국제관계 전문가이다. 즉, 그는 세계의 다양한 나라들 간의 문제를 연구한다.
Geuneun guggye gwangye jeonmungaida. jeuk, geuneun segyeui dayanghan naradeul ganui munjeleul yeonguhanda.
He is an expert in international relations. That is to say, he studies issues between various countries around the world.
이 메일은 너에게만 보낼 것이다. 즉, 너는 이 메시지의 유일한 수신자다.
I meireun neoegeman bonael geosida. jeuk, neoneun i mesijui yuilhan susinjada.
I will send this email to you only. Namely, you are the only recipient of this message.
그는 내 좋은 친구이다. 즉, 나는 그를 아주 잘 알고 있다.
Geuneun nae joheun chinguida. jeuk, naneun geureul aju jal algo itda.
He is a good friend of mine. That is to say, I know him very well.

Long explanation:

'~즉 [jeuk]' is a conjunction used in Korean to elaborate or re-explain a mentioned topic or subject in another manner, for the purpose of clarity or noting specifics. It is equivalent to 'namely' or 'that is to say' in English. It is often used when further specifications or details are needed to fully understand a situation, a process, or a term.

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