Korean Grammar Point
~이야말로 [iyamallo] (Truly, really)

Used to emphasize that something or someone is the true or real example of a quality.


Noun + 이야말로


그 학생이야말로 모범적인 학생이에요, 그는 항상 열심히 공부하고 책임감이 강해요.

Geu haksengiyamallo mobeomjeokin haksengieyo, geuneun hangsang yeolsimhi gongbuhago chaegimgami ganghaeyo.

That student is truly an exemplary student; he always studies hard and is very responsible.

지금 이 순간이야말로 우리가 기다렸던 기회입니다, 이번 기회를 놓치면 더 이상의 기회는 없을 거예요.

Jigeum i sunganiyamallo uriga gidaryeotdeon gihoeyibnida, ibeon gihoereul nohchimyeon deo isangui gihoeuneun eobseul geoyeyo.

This moment is truly the opportunity we have been waiting for; if we miss it, there will be no more chances.

이 보컬이야말로 이 밴드의 핵심입니다, 그녀의 목소리 없이는 이 밴드가 상상조차 되지 않아요.

I bokoriyamallo i baendeu-ui haeksingibnida, geunyeoui moksori eobsineun i baendeuga sangsangjocha doeji anhayo.

This vocalist is truly the core of the band; without her voice, the band is unimaginable.

그 일이야말로 제 인생의 중요한 전환점이었습니다, 그 일로 인해 제 인생이 완전히 바뀌었어요.

Geu iriyamallo je insaengui jungyohan jeonhwanjeomieossseubnida, geu ilro inhae je insaeng-i wanjeonhi bakkwieosseo.

That incident was truly an important turning point in my life; my life changed completely because of it.

Long Explanation

'~이야말로 [iyamallo]' is used to assert that the attached noun is the very or best example of a given quality. It can be translated as 'truly' or 'really' in English and is used for emphasis when stating a fact or situation.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~이야말로 [iyamallo] (Truly, really)

Korean Grammar Point: ~이야말로 [iyamallo] (Truly, really)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Korean grammar point ~이야말로 [iyamallo], which is used to emphasize that something is truly or indeed the case. It's a powerful expression that highlights the subject as the most fitting or exemplary instance among others.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Meaning and Usage

  • ~이야말로 is used to emphasize that the preceding noun is the best example or the very essence of something.
  • It translates to "indeed," "truly," "exactly," or "the very" in English.
  • It highlights that the subject is unique or unparalleled in a particular context.

Structure and Formation

Formation Diagram

Noun Ending Attachment
Consonant ~이야말로
Vowel ~야말로

How to Attach

  1. Identify the noun you want to emphasize.
  2. Check the ending of the noun:
    • If it ends with a consonant, attach 이야말로.
    • If it ends with a vowel, attach 야말로.

3. Comparative Analysis

  • ~이야말로 vs. ~은/는:
    • While ~은/는 (topic particles) can introduce or contrast topics, ~이야말로 adds a strong emphasis, highlighting the noun as the definitive example.
  • ~이야말로 vs. ~이야:
    • ~이야 simply identifies or defines, whereas ~이야말로 intensifies, implying "this is exactly..."

4. Examples in Context

Formal Context

  1. 한국어야말로 세계에서 가장 아름다운 언어입니다.
    • Hangug-eoyamallo segyeseo gajang areumdaun eoneoimnida.
    • Translation: "Korean is truly the most beautiful language in the world."
  2. 노력해야말로 성공의 비결입니다.
    • Noryeokhayamallo seonggong-ui bigyeorimnida.
    • Translation: "Effort is indeed the secret to success."

Informal Context

  1. 너야말로 내 진정한 친구야.
    • Neoyamallo nae jinjeonghan chinguya.
    • Translation: "You are truly my real friend."
  2. 방학이야말로 학생들이 기다리는 시간이지!
    • Banghagi-yamallo haksaengdeuri gidarineun siganiji!
    • Translation: "Vacation is exactly the time students wait for!"

Written Context

  1. 이 문제가야말로 우리 사회가 해결해야 할 과제이다.
    • I munjega-yamallo uri sahoe-ga haegyeolhaeya hal gwajeida.
    • Translation: "This problem is precisely the task our society must solve."

Spoken Context

  1. 지금이야말로 출발할 때야.
    • Jigeumi-yamallo chulbalhal ttaeya.
    • Translation: "Now is truly the time to depart."

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Emphasis in Communication: Korean language often uses particles and endings to convey subtle nuances. ~이야말로 is a way to stress importance without raising one's voice.
  • Politeness Levels: While ~이야말로 itself doesn't change formality, the surrounding speech level (e.g., 습니다 endings for formal, endings for informal) determines the politeness.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 사랑이야말로 모든 것을 이긴다.
    • Sarangi-yamallo modeun geoseul iginda.
    • Translation: "Love truly conquers all."

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Incorrect Attachment:
    • Incorrect: 학생이야말로
    • Correct: 학생이야말로 (since "학생" ends with a consonant, attach 이야말로)
  2. Using ~이야말로 with Verbs or Adjectives:
    • Incorrect: 행복하다이야말로
    • Correct: 행복이야말로 (Use the noun form)

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of ~이야말로 as highlighting "this exactly is the case."
  • Practice: Create sentences by choosing nouns that are significant to you and emphasize them using ~이야말로.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~이야말로 is used to emphasize a noun as truly or indeed the case.
  • Attach ~이야말로 to nouns ending with consonants and ~야말로 to nouns ending with vowels.
  • It adds strong emphasis and is used in both formal and informal contexts.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How do you attach ~이야말로 to a noun ending with a vowel?
    • Answer: Attach ~야말로 (without ).
  2. Translate the following sentence:
    • 친구야말로 인생의 보물이다.
      • Answer: "Friends are truly the treasures of life."
  3. True or False: ~이야말로 can be used with verbs.
    • Answer: False. It is used with nouns.

Feel free to revisit this lesson and practice creating your own sentences to master the usage of ~이야말로!

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