Korean Grammar Point
~이랑 [irang] (And, with)

Used to mean 'and' or 'with' when linking nouns in casual speech.


Noun + 이랑 + Noun


오늘 친구랑 영화를 보러 갔어요.

Oneul chingurang yeonghwareul boreo gasseoyo.

Today I went to watch a movie with a friend.

저는 커피랑 케이크를 주문했어요.

Jeoneun keopirang keikeureul jumunhaesseoyo.

I ordered coffee and cake.

언니랑 저는 같은 옷을 입었어요.

Eonni-rang jeoneun gateun oseul ibeosseoyo.

My older sister and I wore the same clothes.

아빠랑 엄마는 서울에서 살고 계세요.

Apparang eommaneun Seoureseo salgo gyeseyo.

My dad and mom live in Seoul.

Long Explanation

'~이랑 [irang]' is an informal connective in Korean, roughly equivalent to 'and' or 'with.' It can link people, objects, or concepts, and is very common in spoken language. It’s less formal than other conjunctions like '~하고' or '~와/과.'

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~이랑 [irang] (And, with)

Korean Grammar Point: ~이랑 [irang] (And, with)

1. Introduction

In Korean, connecting words and phrases is essential for constructing sentences and expressing complex ideas. The particle ~이랑 [irang] is a versatile conjunction used to mean "and" or "with". It is commonly used in everyday speech and helps in listing items or indicating companionship.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


  • "And": To connect two nouns in a list.
  • "With": To indicate doing something together with someone or something.


The particle ~이랑 attaches to nouns and has two forms depending on whether the noun ends with a consonant or a vowel.

Noun Ending Particle Usage
Consonant 이랑 무릎 이랑
Vowel 친구

Formation Diagram

[ Noun ] + 이랑/랑
  • If noun ends with a consonant: 이랑
    • Example: 책 이랑 (book and)
  • If noun ends with a vowel:
    • Example: 사과 (apple and)

Visual Aid: When to Use 이랑 vs. 랑

Ending of Noun Particle to Use Example Meaning
Consonant 이랑 이랑 House and
Vowel 학교 School and

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparison with Other Conjunctions

Particle Usage Politeness Level Example
하고 And/With Neutral 친구 하고 영화 봤어요.
와/과 And/With Formal/Written 친구 영화 봤습니다.
(이)랑 And/With Informal/Speech 친구 영화 봤어.
  • 하고 is neutral and widely used in both speech and writing.
  • 와/과 is more formal and often used in written language or formal speech.
  • (이)랑 is informal and commonly used in casual conversations among friends.

4. Examples in Context

Informal Spoken Korean

  1. 친구랑 영화 봤어.
    • Chingurang yeonghwa bwasseo.
    • I watched a movie with a friend.
  2. 사과랑 바나나를 샀어.
    • Sagwarang bananareul sasseo.
    • I bought apples and bananas.

Formal Spoken/Written Korean

  1. 동생이랑 공원에 갔어요.
    • Dongsaengirang gongwone gasseoyo.
    • I went to the park with my younger sibling.
  2. 책이랑 노트가 필요해요.
    • Chaegirang noteuga piryohaeyo.
    • I need a book and a notebook.

Using with Pronouns

  1. 나랑 같이 갈래?
    • Narang gachi gallae?
    • Do you want to go with me?
  2. 너랑 이야기를 하고 싶어.
    • Neorang iyagireul hago sipeo.
    • I want to talk with you.

In Questions

  1. 누구랑 갔어요?
    • Nugurang gasseoyo?
    • With whom did you go?
  2. 뭐랑 뭐를 주문했어요?
    • Mworang mworeul jumunhaesseoyo?
    • What and what did you order?

5. Cultural Notes

Politeness and Formality

  • ~(이)랑 is considered informal and is best used in casual settings with friends, family, or peers.
  • In formal situations or with someone of higher status, it's more appropriate to use 와/과 or 하고.

Idiomatic Expressions Using ~(이)랑

  1. 죽이 맞다 (To get along well)
    • 그 사람하고는 죽이 잘 맞아요.
    • Geu saramhagoneun juki jal majayo.
    • I get along well with that person.
  2. 손발이 맞다 (To work well together)
    • 팀원들이랑 손발이 잘 맞아요.
    • Timwondeurirang sonbari jal majayo.
    • I work well with the team members.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Using ~(이)랑 in Formal Situations
    • Incorrect: 사장님이랑 회의했어요.
    • Correct: 사장님과 회의했습니다.
    • It's inappropriate to use ~(이)랑 with someone of higher status.
  2. Mixing Up Particles
    • Confusing with used in different contexts.
    • Remember that ~(이)랑 is for connecting nouns meaning "and/with."


  • Mnemonic to Remember Usage:
    • 이랑 attaches to nouns ending with a consonant, just like how is used in subject particles (이/가).
    • If the noun ends with a vowel, it smoothly connects with .
  • Practice by Listing Items:
    • 빵이랑 우유랑 계란을 샀어요.
      • Ppangirang uyurang gyeraneul sasseoyo.
      • I bought bread, milk, and eggs.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~(이)랑 is an informal particle meaning "and" or "with".
  • Use 이랑 after nouns ending with a consonant and after nouns ending with a vowel.
  • Suitable for casual conversations; avoid using in formal contexts.
  • Similar particles include 하고 (neutral) and 와/과 (formal).

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank with the correct particle: 책___ 연필을 주세요.
  2. Is it appropriate to use ~(이)랑 when speaking to your professor?
  3. Translate the following sentence: 누구랑 점심을 먹을 거예요?


  1. 책이랑 연필을 주세요. (Please give me the book and the pencil.)
  2. No, it's not appropriate; use 와/과 instead in formal situations.
  3. With whom are you going to eat lunch?

By mastering ~(이)랑, you'll enhance your ability to connect ideas and interact casually in Korean. Practice using it in daily conversations with friends to become more comfortable with its usage.

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