Decoded Slug: ~에 따르다 [e ddareuda] (To be attributed to, according to)

Korean Grammar Point
~에 따르다 [e ddareuda] (To be attributed to, according to)

~에 따르다 [e ddareuda] (To be attributed to, according to)

Short explanation:

Used to express cause, reason, criteria or standards; 'according to', 'in accordance with', 'dependent on'.


Noun + 에 따르다


날씨에 따라서 옷을 입는 스타일이 바뀌기 마련이에요, 매우 추운 날에는 멋보다 따뜻함이 우선이죠.
Nalssie ddareuseo oseul ibneun seutairi bagkwigi mareonieyo, maeu chuun naraeneun meosboda ttatteumhami useonijyo.
It's natural that the style of clothing changes according to the weather, on very cold days, warmth takes precedence over style.
음식의 맛은 재료에 따라 전혀 다를 수 있어요, 신선한 재료를 사용하면 맛있는 음식을 만들 수 있지요.
Eumsigui maseun jaeryoe ddara jeonhyeo dareul su isseoyo, sinseonhan jaeryoreul sayonghamyeon masissneun eumsigeul mandeul su issjiyo.
The taste of food can be completely different depending on the ingredients, you can make delicious food by using fresh ingredients.
교통상황에 따라서 도착 시간이 달라질 수 있어요, 교통이 막히면 늦게 도착하게 될 수 있죠.
Gyotongsanghwange ddareuseo dochak sigani ddarajil su isseoyo, gyotongi makimyeon neutge dochakhage doel su issjyo.
The arrival time can change depending on the traffic conditions, if the traffic is congested, you could arrive late.
실력에 따라 결과가 달라지는 거예요, 열심히 공부하면 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있어요.
Sillyeoge ddara gyeolgwaga ddarajineun geoyeyo, yeolsimhi gongbuhameun joheun gyeolgwaleul eodeul su isseoyo.
The result varies depending on your ability, studying hard can yield good results.

Long explanation:

'~에 따르다 [e ddareuda]' is a compound verb commonly used in Korean to indicate that something happens or changes due to or as per some reason, rules, condition, or standard. It's like saying 'according to', 'in accordance with', or 'dependent on' in English. It's used to describe a circumstance that varies or is defined based on certain criteria or standards.

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