Korean Grammar Point
~았/었 던 [at/eot deon] (Past descriptive)

Used to describe past events or situations from the speaker's memory.


Verb in past tense (~았/었) + 던 (attached before a noun)


제가 어릴 때 즐겨 보던 애니메이션 쇼를 어제 다시 보았어요, 많은 추억이 떠올랐어요.

Jega eoril ttae jeulgyeo bodon aenimeisyeon syoreul eoje dasi boasseoyo, manheun chueogi tteooreosseoyo.

I watched the animation show I used to enjoy as a kid again yesterday, and many memories came flooding back.

그는 5년 전에 만났던 친구와 오랜만에 다시 만났어요.

Geuneun 5nyeon jeone mannatdeon chinguwa oraenman-e dasi mannatseoyo.

He met a friend he had met 5 years ago after a long time.

여름에 가봤던 해변에 다시 가고 싶어요.

Yeoreum-e gabwatdeon haebyeone dasi gago sipeoyo.

I want to go back to the beach I visited in the summer.

저는 학교에서 만났던 친구들과 지금도 친하게 지내요.

Jeoneun hakgyoeso mannatdeon chingudeulgwa jigeumdo chinhage jinaeyo.

I am still close with the friends I met at school.

Long Explanation

'~았/었 던' is a past descriptive form in Korean used to recall an event, person, or situation that occurred in the past. It is commonly attached to a verb (forming '보던') when modifying a noun and expresses a past state or memory from the speaker’s perspective.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~았/었 던 [at/eot deon] (Past descriptive)

Korean Grammar Point: ~았/었 던 [at/eot deon] (Past descriptive)

1. Introduction

In Korean, expressing past events or states can be nuanced and varies depending on the context. The grammar point ~았/었 던 is used to describe actions or states that occurred in the past but have implications or relevance to the present. This lesson will delve into the usage of ~았/었 던, its formation, and how it differs from other past tense expressions.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


~았/었 던 is used to:

  • Describe a past action or state that was habitual or repeated but no longer continues.
  • Recall past experiences or memories that contrast with the present.
  • Emphasize that something was in a certain state before but has since changed.


To form ~았/었 던, you attach -았던 or -었던 to the verb stem, depending on the vowel harmony.

Formation Diagram

  1. Identify the verb stem:
    • Remove from the dictionary form.
  2. Determine the correct ending:
    • If the stem has or , use -았던.
    • Otherwise, use -었던.
  3. Combine the stem and the ending.


Dictionary Form Verb Stem Ending Result
먹다 (to eat) -었던 먹었던
가다 (to go) -았던 갔던
살다 (to live) -았던 살았던
공부하다 (to study) 공부하 -였던 공부했던

3. Comparative Analysis

~았/었 던 vs ~았/었 었다

  • ~았/었 던 focuses on past actions or states that have relevance or contrast to the present.
  • ~았/었 었다 (double past tense) emphasizes that an action was completed in the past and has no relation to the present. Example:
  • 먹었던 음식이 생각나요.
    • I remember the food I used to eat (and perhaps I don't eat it anymore).
  • 먹었었던 음식이 생각나요.
    • I recall the food I ate before (emphasizing that it was in the past and is completed).

4. Examples in Context

Formal Written (e.g., essays, books)

  • 내가 살았던 도시가 많이 변했다.
    • The city where I used to live has changed a lot.
  • 그가 읽었던 책은 이제 절판되었다.
    • The book he had read is now out of print.

Informal Spoken

  • 우리 자주 갔던 카페에 갈래?
    • Do you want to go to the café we used to go to often?
  • 어렸을 때 듣던 음악을 다시 들어봤어.
    • I listened again to the music I used to listen to when I was young.

Formal Spoken (e.g., presentations, formal conversations)

  • 학생들이 배우던 내용을 복습합시다.
    • Let's review the content that the students were learning.
  • 그분이 근무하시던 회사가 유명합니다.
    • The company where he used to work is famous.

5. Cultural Notes

Politeness and Formality

  • The usage of ~았/었 던 does not inherently change the politeness level but can be combined with honorifics and polite endings to match the appropriate level of formality.
  • Reflecting on past experiences is common in Korean storytelling and conversations, often eliciting nostalgia.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 옛날에 살았던 집
    • The house I used to live in a long time ago.
  • 자주 듣던 노래
    • A song I used to listen to often.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Confusing with Simple Past Tense (~았/었다)
    • Using ~았/었다 merely states that an action happened in the past, without the nuance of contrast or discontinuation.
  2. Incorrect Ending Attachment
    • Misapplication of -았던 vs -었던 due to vowel harmony errors.


  • Mnemonic Device: Think of ~았/었 던 as "used to" in English, indicating past habits or states that have changed.
  • Practice: Create sentences about your past habits or places you've been to emphasize the change from past to present.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~았/었 던 is used to describe past actions or states that contrast with the present.
  • It emphasizes that something used to occur or be a certain way but no longer is.
  • Formed by adding -았던 or -었던 to the verb stem, depending on vowel harmony.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How do you form ~았/었 던 with the verb 마시다 (to drink)?
    • Answer: 마시 + 었던 = 마셨던
  2. Translate the sentence: "제가 다녔던 학교는 작았어요."
    • Answer: "The school I used to attend was small."
  3. What is the main difference between ~았/었 던 and ~았/었 었다?
    • Answer: ~았/었 던 indicates past actions/states with relevance to the present or a contrast, while ~았/었 었다 emphasizes that an action was completed in the past with no direct relevance to the present.

Feel free to revisit this lesson and practice creating your own sentences using ~았/었 던 to describe past experiences that contrast with your present situation!

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