Korean Grammar Point
~아/어 가다 [a/eo gada] (Go on doing)

Expresses the continuous or ongoing nature of an action over time.


Verb stem + 아/어 가다


그는 매일 아침 운동을 해 가면서 건강을 유지하려고 노력합니다.

Geuneun maeil achim undongeul hae gamyeonseo geongangeul yuji-haryeogo noryeokhamnida.

He goes on exercising every morning to maintain his health.

그녀는 학교에 다니면서 일을 해 가고 있어요.

Geunyeoneun hakgyoe danimyeonseo ireul hae gago isseoyo.

She keeps on working while attending school.

우리는 큰 어려움에도 불구하고 프로젝트를 계속 해 가고 있습니다.

Urineun keun eoryeoumedo bulguhago peurojekteureul gyesok hae gago itsseumnida.

Despite great difficulties, we continue on with the project.

친구들이 포기했음에도 불구하고, 저는 연습을 계속 해 가고 있어요.

Chingudeuri pogihaesseumedo bulguhago, jeoneun yeonseubeul gyesok hae gago isseoyo.

Even though my friends gave up, I keep on practicing.

Long Explanation

'~아/어 가다 [a/eo gada]' is used to show that an action continues steadily or gradually forward, often implying persistence or progress. It can be similar to 'go on doing something' in English.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~아/어 가다 [a/eo gada] (Go on doing)

Korean Grammar Point: ~아/어 가다 [a/eo gada] (Go on doing)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll delve into the Korean grammar point ~아/어 가다, which is used to express an action or state that continues into the future. This pattern helps convey progression or a gradual change over time. By mastering ~아/어 가다, you'll enhance your ability to describe ongoing actions in Korean.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


~아/어 가다 is used to indicate that an action is:

  • Continuing from the present into the future.
  • Progressing or changing gradually over time. It emphasizes that something is "going on" or "will keep happening" as time moves forward.


To form this pattern:

  1. Take the verb stem (remove 다 from the dictionary form).
  2. Add ~아/어 가다 to the stem.

Formation Diagram

Verb Ending (Last Vowel) Connective Example Verb Conjugated Form
아 / 오 -아 가다 가다 (to go) 아 가다 = 가아 가다 → 가아가다 (contracted)
All Other Vowels -어 가다 먹다 (to eat) 어 가다 = 먹어 가다
Verb Stem ending in 하 -여 가다 공부하다 (to study) 공부하 여 가다 = 공부하여 가다 → 공부해 가다 (contracted)

Note: Contractions are common for smoother pronunciation.

Example of Conjugation

Let's conjugate 쓰다 (to write):

  • Verb Stem: 쓰
  • Last Vowel: (treated as 'other vowel')
  • Add -어 가다: 쓰 어 가다
  • Conjugated Form: 써 가다

3. Comparative Analysis

~아/어 가다 vs. ~아/어 오다

While ~아/어 가다 focuses on actions continuing into the future, ~아/어 오다 emphasizes actions that have been occurring from the past up to the present. | Grammar Point | Time Focus | Example Sentence | Translation | |------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| | ~아/어 가다 | Present → Future | 날씨가 더워 져 가요. | The weather is becoming hot (and will continue to do so). | | ~아/어 오다 | Past → Present | 한국어를 배워 왔어요. | I have been learning Korean (up to now). |

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. 학생들이 수업에 관심을 가져 가요.
    Students are becoming interested in the class.
  2. 요즘 환경 문제가 심각해져 가고 있어요.
    Environmental issues are becoming serious these days.
  3. 우리는 서로를 더 잘 알아 가고 있어요. (Formal)
    We are getting to know each other better.
  4. 새로운 일을 배우며 경험을 쌓아 가자. (Informal)
    Let's gain experience while learning new things.
  5. 그의 건강이 점점 나빠져 가네요. (Spoken)
    His health is gradually getting worse.

Usage in Different Contexts

  • Formal Writing: Used in essays or reports to describe trends or changes.
  • Informal Speech: Common in everyday conversations to talk about ongoing actions.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Korean culture, there's an emphasis on processes and gradual improvement. The use of ~아/어 가다 reflects the importance of acknowledging progress and ongoing efforts.

Levels of Politeness

While ~아/어 가다 itself doesn't change, the verb 가다 should be conjugated appropriately:

  • Informal Polite: 가요
  • Formal Polite: 갑니다

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 살아 가다: To keep living; to make a living.

    • 힘들지만 열심히 살아 가고 있어요.
      It's tough, but I'm living diligently.
  • 잊혀져 가다: To be gradually forgotten.

    • 그 노래는 사람들에게서 잊혀져 가고 있다.
      That song is being forgotten by people.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Incorrect Connective Vowel: Using -아 가다 when -어 가다 is needed.

    • Incorrect: 먹다 → 먹아 가다 ❌
    • Correct: 먹다 → 먹어 가다 ✅
  • Confusing with Future Tense: Mistaking ~아/어 가다 for simple future tense.

    • ~아/어 가다 implies ongoing action, not just future occurrence.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of 가다 (to go) as moving forward, helping you remember that the action continues into the future.
  • Practice with Progressing Actions: Use verbs that naturally indicate change over time (e.g., 늘다, 줄다, 나아지다).

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~아/어 가다 expresses an action or state that is ongoing and will continue into the future.
  • It's formed by adding ~아/어 가다 to the verb stem.
  • Use the correct connective vowel based on the verb stem's last vowel.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How do you conjugate 만나다 (to meet) with ~아/어 가다?
  2. What is the main difference between ~아/어 가다 and ~아/어 오다?
  3. Translate: 날씨가 따뜻해져 가요.


  1. 만나 아 가다 → 만나아 가다 → 만나 가 가다 → 만나가 가다 (note: contraction may merge to 만나가다).
  2. ~아/어 가다 refers to actions continuing into the future, whereas ~아/어 오다 refers to actions that have been happening from the past up to now.
  3. The weather is getting warmer (and will continue to do so).

By understanding and practicing the ~아/어 가다 grammar point, you'll be better equipped to express ongoing actions and changes in Korean, making your speech more natural and fluent.

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