Decoded Slug: ~사이 [sai] (Between)

Korean Grammar Point
~사이 [sai] (Between)

~사이 [sai] (Between)

Short explanation:

Used to indicate between or among the two or more subjects.


Noun1 + 와/과 + Noun2 + 사이 (OR) Noun + 사이


서울과 부산사이 거리는 약 325km에요.
Seoul-gwa Busan sai georineun yak 325 km-eyo.
The distance between Seoul and Busan is about 325 km.
친구와 사이가 좋지 않아서 요즘 연락을 안 해요.
Chingu-wa sai-ga joji anh-aseo yojeum yeollageul an hae-yo.
I'm not getting along well with my friend these days, so I don't contact him.
아침과 점심사이에 간식을 먹는 것이 중요해요.
Achim-gwa jeomsim sai-e gansigeul meogneun geosi jungyohae-yo.
Eating a snack between breakfast and lunch is important.
주말 동안에 부모님 과의 사이가 좋아졌어요.
Jumal dongan-e bumonim gwa-ui sai-ga joajyeoss-eoyo.
I became closer with my parents over the weekend.

Long explanation:

'~사이 [sai]' is a word used in Korean to denote the concept of 'between' or 'among' when referring to two or more subjects. It is typically used to specify the period, number, interval or the relationship shared among those subjects. Also used metaphorically sometimes to express the emotional or psychological distance between people.

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