Decoded Slug: ~부터 ~까지 [buteo ~ kkaji] (From ~ to ~)

Korean Grammar Point
~부터 ~까지 [buteo ~ kkaji] (From ~ to ~)

~부터 ~까지 [buteo ~ kkaji] (From ~ to ~)

Short explanation:

This grammar is used to express the beginning and end of an action or a range.


Starting point + 부터 + End point + 까지


우리는 월요일부터 금요일까지 일해요.
Urineun wolyoilibuteo geumyoilkkaji ilhaeyo.
We work from Monday to Friday.
점심시간은 오후 12시부터 1시까지에요.
Jeomsimsiganeun ohu 12sibuteo 1sikkaji eyo.
Lunch time is from 12 p.m. to 1. p.m.
서울부터 부산까지 기차로 얼마나 걸리나요?
Seoulbuteo Busankkaji gicharo eolmanana geollinayo?
How long does it take from Seoul to Busan by train?
나는 한국어를 공부하기 시작했을때부터 지금까지 많이 발전했어요.
Naneun hangugeoreul gongbu hagi sijakhaesseulttaebuteo jigeumkkaji mani baljeonhaesseoyo.
I have improved a lot from when I started studying Korean to now.

Long explanation:

'~부터 ~까지 [buteo ~ kkaji]' is used in Korean to indicate a range, from the starting point to the end point. It can be used to describe periods of time, range of numbers, spaces or locations, or to express the starting and ending point of an action or state. This grammar point can be translated as 'from ~ to ~' in English. It's important to note that the verbs in the sentence referring to this range should be in harmony.

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