Korean Grammar Point
~부터 [buteo] (From, starting from)

~부터 [buteo] (From, starting from)

Short explanation:

This is used to express the beginning point of an action, location, or time.


Noun/Verb-아/어/여 + 부터


내일은 아침 일곱 시부터 수업이 시작되니까 늦지 않게 준비해야 해요.
Naeireun achim ilgop shibuteo sueobi sijakdoenikka neutji anhge junbihaeya haeyo.
The class starts from seven o'clock in the morning tomorrow, so we should prepare so as not to be late.
여행 가방을 정리할 때는 옷부터 시작했어요, 그 다음에는 악세사리를 정리했어요.
Yeohaeng gabangeul jeongrihal ttaeneun otbuteo sijakhaesseoyo, geu daeumeneun aksesarireul jeongrihaesseoyo.
When I organized my travel bags, I started with the clothes, and then I organized the accessories.
이 식당에서는 점심 열두 시부터 오후 세 시까지 점심 메뉴를 판매하고 있어요.
I sikdangesoneun jeomsim yeoldu shibuteo ohu se shikkaji jeomsim menyureul panmaehago isseoyo.
At this restaurant, they sell lunch menus from twelve noon to three in the afternoon.
이번달부터 다음해 초까지 이 프로젝트를 완성해야 해요.
Ibeondalbuteo daeumhae chokkaji i peurojekteureul wanseonghaeya haeyo.
We need to complete this project from this month until the beginning of next year.

Long explanation:

~부터 [buteo] is a commonly used grammar point in Korean that generally indicates the starting point of an action, location, or time. It is equivalent to 'from' in English when used to illustrate the beginning moment, place, action, or status from which an event or situation commences. It's additionally used to list out items or points in no particular order.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: ~부터 [buteo] (From, starting from)

Korean Grammar Point: ~부터 [buteo] (From, starting from)

~부터 [buteo] (From, Starting From)

1. Introduction

In Korean, the particle ~부터 is used to indicate the starting point in time or place. It translates to "from" or "starting from" in English. This grammar point is essential for expressing when or where an action begins.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


  • ~부터 denotes the starting point of an action or state in terms of time or place.
  • It specifies when or where something starts.


Noun (Time/Place) + 부터

Formation Diagram

[Time/Place Noun] + 부터

Visual Aid

Component Particle Example
시간 (Time) 부터 아침부터 (from the morning)
장소 (Place) 부터 여기부터 (from here)

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing ~부터 with ~에서

While both particles can mean "from," they have different usages:

Particle Usage Example Meaning
부터 Starting point in time or place 지금부터 시작해요. I will start from now.
에서 Location of an action; starting point of movement 집에서 공부해요. I study at home.
  • ~부터 focuses on when/where something starts.
  • ~에서 indicates where an action takes place or originates.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Context

  1. 회의는 오전 10시부터입니다.
    • The meeting is from 10 AM.
  2. 교육은 다음 주 월요일부터 시작됩니다.
    • The training starts from next Monday.

Informal Context

  1. 우리 지금부터 영화 볼래?
    • Shall we watch a movie from now?
  2. 여기부터 산책하자.
    • Let's take a walk starting from here.

Polite Speech

  1. 수업은 몇 시부터예요?
    • From what time is the class?
  2. 내일은 아침부터 바빠요.
    • I am busy from the morning tomorrow.

Written Context

  1. 프로젝트는 5월부터 진행될 예정입니다.
    • The project is scheduled to proceed from May.
  2. 전시회는 서울에서부터 시작해 전국으로 퍼졌습니다.
    • The exhibition started from Seoul and spread nationwide.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Time Punctuality: Koreans value punctuality. Specifying starting times with ~부터 reflects the importance of being on time.

Levels of Politeness and Formality

  • ~부터 itself is neutral.
  • Politeness is conveyed through verb endings.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 처음부터 끝까지: From beginning to end
    • 그 영화는 처음부터 끝까지 재미있었어요.
      • That movie was interesting from start to finish.
  • 아예 처음부터: From the very beginning
    • 아예 처음부터 다시 합시다.
      • Let's start over from the very beginning.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Incorrect Usage with Verbs
    • Incorrect: 먹다부터 시작해요.
      • Starting from eating.
    • Correct: 식사부터 시작해요.
      • Starting from the meal.
    • Tip: Attach ~부터 to nouns, not verbs.
  2. Confusing ~부터 with ~까지 (until)
    • 부터: from (starting point)
    • 까지: until (ending point)
    • Example:
      • 오전 9시부터 오후 5시까지 일해요.
        • I work from 9 AM until 5 PM.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think "" (bu) as in "beginning," starting point.
  • Practice Pairing: Use ~부터 with specific times or places to form habits.
    • 내일부터, 오늘부터, 여기부터

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~부터 is used to indicate the starting point in time or place.
  • It attaches directly to nouns.
  • Do not confuse ~부터 with ~에서 or ~까지.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Translate to Korean: "From tomorrow"
    • Answer: 내일부터
  2. Fill in the Blank: 수업은 오후 2시__ 시작해요.
    • Answer: 부터
  3. Choose the Correct Particle: 집__ 학교까지 걸어가요. (from)
    • Answer: 부터

Additional Practice Sentences

  1. 영화는 7시부터예요.
    • The movie is from 7 o'clock.
  2. 시험 공부를 지금부터 시작할 거예요.
    • I will start studying for the exam from now.
  3. 이 길은 여기부터 막혀 있어요.
    • This road is blocked from here.

Feel free to review these points and practice creating your own sentences using ~부터!


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