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Short explanation:
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Detailed Grammar notes:
Processing keyword: ~라든지 [radeunji] (Or, either)
In Korean, expressing options, examples, or possibilities within a sentence is essential for clear communication. The grammar point ~라든지 (radeunji) is used to list multiple examples or choices, similar to "or", "either", or "such as" in English. Mastering ~라든지 will enable you to convey alternatives and broaden the context of your statements, making your Korean sound more natural and expressive.
~라든지 is used to:
Part of Speech | Ending Condition | Attachment | Example |
Noun | Ends with consonant | Noun + 이라든지 | 책이라든지 (책 + 이라든지) |
Noun | Ends with vowel | Noun + 라든지 | 사과라든지 (사과 + 라든지) |
Verb | Stem ends with vowel/"ㄹ" | Stem + ㄴ다든지 | 가다 → 간다든지 |
Verb | Stem ends with consonant | Stem + 는다든지 | 먹다 → 먹는다든지 |
Multiple Listings: You can use ~라든지 multiple times in a sentence to list various examples.
고양이라든지 강아지라든지 키우고 싶어요.
I want to raise a cat or a dog.
Follow-up Verb: Often, sentences using ~라든지 end with verbs like 하다 (to do), 가다 (to go), or 있다 (to exist).
Non-Exhaustive List: Implies that there are other unstated options.
영화를 보거나 책을 읽어요.
I watch a movie or read a book.
영화라든지 공연이라든지 보고 싶어요.
I want to see a movie, a performance, or something like that.
Key Differences:
점심에 김밥이라든지 라면이라든지 먹을래?
Do you want to eat kimbap or ramen for lunch?
주말에 여행을 간다든지 집에서 쉰다든지 할 거야.
I'm going to either travel or rest at home this weekend.
준비물로 필기도구라든지 노트라든지 가져오시기 바랍니다.
Please bring supplies such as writing tools or notebooks.
지원자는 신청서를 작성한다든지 접수처로 방문한다든지 해야 합니다.
Applicants must either fill out the application form or visit the reception desk.
운동으로는 조깅을 한다든지 요가를 한다든지 해요.
For exercise, I either jog or do yoga.
학교에 버스로 간다든지 지하철로 간다든지 해요.
I go to school by bus or subway.
내일 시간 있으면 영화 본다든지 커피 마신다든지 하자.
If I have time tomorrow, let's watch a movie or drink coffee or something.
By understanding and practicing ~라든지, you can effectively express a range of options and make your Korean speech more natural and versatile. Keep practicing by incorporating this grammar point into your everyday conversations.
Public Alpha version Open Source (GitHub). This site is currently undergoing active development. You may (will) encounter bugs, inconsistencies, or limited functionality. Lots of sentences might not sound natural. We are progressively addressing these issues with native speakers.
New Feature! Japanese text parser works for custom texts and YouTube, acting as a reading assistant and translator. Check it out!
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