Decoded Slug: ~라는 것이다 [raneun geosida] (It means that)

Korean Grammar Point
~라는 것이다 [raneun geosida] (It means that)

~라는 것이다 [raneun geosida] (It means that)

Short explanation:

Used to indicate the reason or cause of something; 'it means that'.


Verb + 라는 것이다 OR Descriptive Verb + 라는 것이다


그녀가 사진을 찍는다는 것은 그녀가 사진을 좋아한다는 뜻이다.
Geunyeoga sajineul jjikneundaneun geoseun geunyeoga sajineul joahandaneun tteusida.
The fact she takes photographs means she likes photography.
그가 항상 일찍 일어난다는 것이다 그는 아침형 인간이라는 것이다.
Geuga hangsang iljjik ireonandaneun geoseun geuneun achimhyeong inganiraneun geosida.
The fact that he always gets up early means that he is a morning person.
가을이 오면 나무 잎이 노란색으로 변한다는 것이다 가을의 특성이라는 것이다.
Ga-euli omyeon namu ip-i nolan saeg-eulo byeondandaneun geoseun gaeul-ui teugseong-iraneun geos-ida.
The fact that the leaves turn yellow when autumn comes means it is a characteristic of autumn.
우리가 어떤 문제를 가지고 있다는 것이다 우리가 그 문제를 해결해야 한다는 것이다.
Uriga eotteon munje-reul gajigo issdaneun geoseun uriga geu munje-reul haegyeolhaeya handaneun geos-ida.
The fact that we have some problem means we need to solve it.

Long explanation:

'~라는 것이다 [raneun geosida]' is a Korean grammar pattern used to clarify the meaning or reason behind a situation or statement. It converts the previous statement into a cause and states the result or reason. It's commonly used after either a verb or a descriptive verb.

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