Decoded Slug: ~더라구요 [deoraguyo] (It seemed, I noticed)

Korean Grammar Point
~더라구요 [deoraguyo] (It seemed, I noticed)

~더라구요 [deoraguyo] (It seemed, I noticed)

Short explanation:

Used to express the speaker's observation or realization about a past event.


Verb + 더라구요


저는 어제 큰 할인이 있는 걸 보고 정말 놀랐더라구요, 그래서 바로 쇼핑을 가기로 했어요.
Jeoneun eoje keun halini issneun geol bogo jeongmal nollatdeoraguyo, geuraeseo baro syopingeul gagi-ro hayeosseoyo.
I was really surprised to see a big discount yesterday, so I decided to go shopping right away.
날씨가 흐려서 산책하러 가기에 좋지 않다고 생각했더라구요, 그래서 집에 있었습니다.
Nalssiga heuryeoseo sanchaekharo gagi-yeo jotji antago saenggakhaetdeoraguyo, geuraeseo jibe isseotsseumnida.
I thought it wasn't good to go for a walk because the weather was cloudy, so I stayed home.
친구가 점점 더 몸이 커지는 걸 보니까 임신이구나 싶더라구요, 그래서 축하해주었습니다.
Chinguga jeomjeom deo momi keojineun geol bonikka imshin-iguna sipdeoraguyo, geuraeseo chukahaejueotsseumnida.
Seeing my friend's body getting bigger and bigger, I realized she was pregnant, so I congratulated her.
그 영화를 보고 나서 감독이 정말 재주가 있는구나 싶더라구요, 그래서 더 관심이 갔습니다.
Geu yeonghwaleul bogo naseo gamdog-i jeongmal jaejuga issneunguna sipdeoraguyo, geuraeseo deo gwanshimi gassseumnida.
After watching that movie, I thought the director is really talented, so I became more interested.

Long explanation:

'~더라구요 [deoraguyo]' is a conversational language expression often used in Korean to indicate the speaker's personal observation, experience, or realization. It functions to convey a sense of newly discovered information or realization about a past event or situation. It is used to share personal experiences and is typically used at the end of a sentence, signifying something that the speaker has realized or noticed.

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