Decoded Slug: ~대로 [daero] (According to, as)

Korean Grammar Point
~대로 [daero] (According to, as)

~대로 [daero] (According to, as)

Short explanation:

Used to indicate actions performed according to a certain method or manner.


Noun + 대로 / Verb-stem + 대로


선생님이 가르쳐 준 대로 문제를 풀어 보았지만, 아직도 이해가 안 돼요.
Seonsaengnimi gareuchyeo jun daero munjeleul pureo boassjiman, ajikdo ihaega an dwaeyo.
I tried to solve the problem according to the way the teacher taught me, but I still don't understand.
언니가 추천해준 대로 책을 읽어봤습니다, 깊은 뜻을 품고 있는 재밌는 책이었습니다.
Eonniga chucheonhaejun daero chaegireul ilgeobwassseubnida, gipeun ddeumeul pumgo issneun jaemissneun chaegieossseubnida.
I tried reading the book as my older sister recommended, it was a fun book with a deep meaning.
우리가 계획한 대로 여행을 계속 하면서 여러 랜드마크를 봤어요.
Uriga gyehoekhan daero yeohaengeul gyesok hamyeonseo yeoreo raendeumakeureul bwasseoyo.
We continued our journey as planned and saw various landmarks.
사진 속에 보이는 경치대로 현실에서 보니까 너무 아름답고 기분이 좋아졌어요.
Sajin sogye boineun gyeongchidaero hyeonsireso bonikkaneomu areumdapgo gibuni johajyeosseoyo.
Seeing the scenery just as it appears in the photograph in reality was very beautiful and made me feel good.

Long explanation:

'~대로 [daero]' is a grammar point used in Korean to express that something is done according to a specific method, order, or manner. It can also mean 'as it is'. This pattern shows that an action is guided by a previously mentioned condition or direction. It is commonly used to demonstrate following instructions or a predetermined path.

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