Decoded Slug: ~다면서요 [damyeonseyo] (Said that)

Korean Grammar Point
~다면서요 [damyeonseyo] (Said that)

~다면서요 [damyeonseyo] (Said that)

Short explanation:

Used when quoting someone's words or delivering what someone has heard from others


Verb + 다 + 면서요


영희가 서울에 살고 있다면서요, 정말 그런건지 알 수가 없어요.
Yeong-heega seoul-e salgo itdamyeonseyo, jeongmal geureongeonji al suga eobseoyo.
You said that Young Hee lives in Seoul, but I really can't confirm if that's true.
집에 일찍 돌아오라고 했다면서요, 그런데 왜 아직도 안 와요?
Jib-e iljjik dorao-ra-go haetdamyeonseyo, geureonde wae ajik-do an wa-yo?
You said to come home early, but why haven't you come yet?
친구가 낼 학교에 안 온다고 했다면서요, 아마 아프지 않았나요?
Chingu-ga nael hakgyo-e an ondago haetdamyeonseyo, ama apeuji anhatnayo?
My friend said he won't come to school tomorrow, he might be sick?
나중에 커피 한잔 같이 할 것을 약속했다면서요, 그런데 왜 연락이 없나요?
Najung-e keopi hanjan gachi hal geos-eul yaksokhaetdamyeonseyo, geureonde wae yeonlag-i eomnayo?
You promised to have a cup of coffee later, but why is there no contact?

Long explanation:

'~다면서요 [damyeonseyo]' is a phrase commonly used to indicate a piece of information or thought that the speaker has obtained from someone else. It is a form of indirect quotation in which the speaker lets the listener be aware that the information comes from a different source. The phrase is a combinatory expression created using the declarative form of a sentence ending with '-다' and the quote marker '면서'.

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