Korean Grammar Point
~기에는 [gieneun] (For, in order to)

Used to express a purpose or intention ('for', 'in order to').


Verb stem + 기에는


토픽 시험을 통과하기에는 더 많이 공부해야 해요.

Topik siheomeul tong-gwa-hagi-eneun deo mani gongbuhaeya haeyo.

I need to study more in order to pass the TOPIK test.

학교에 늦지 않기에는 아침 일찍 일어나야 돼요.

Hakgyoe neujji anh-gieneun achim iljjik ireonaya dwaeyo.

You have to wake up early to avoid being late for school.

자동차를 사기에는 더 많은 돈을 모아야 해요.

Jadongchareul sa-gieneun deo maneun doneul moaya haeyo.

You need to save more money to buy a car.

달리기 대회에서 이기기에는 매일 연습해야 합니다.

Dalligi daehoe-eseo igi-gieneun maeil yeonseuphaeya hamnida.

You have to practice every day to win the running competition.

Long Explanation

'~기에는 [gieneun]' is a structure used in Korean to indicate that one is doing something for a particular purpose or end goal, similar to 'in order to' or 'for the sake of' in English. It highlights the reason for an action and what is required to achieve it.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~기에는 [gieneun] (For, in order to)

Korean Grammar Point: ~기에는 [gieneun] (For, in order to)

1. Introduction

In Korean, expressing purposes or evaluating situations often requires specific grammatical constructions. One such construction is ~기에는 (gi-eneun), which is used to assess or comment on the suitability or sufficiency of something for a particular action or situation. This lesson will delve into the usage of ~기에는, providing clear explanations, examples, and comparisons to help you grasp this grammar point effectively.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

Meaning: The grammar point ~기에는 is used to express that something is (too... / not enough... / sufficient...) for doing a particular action. It often conveys evaluation or judgment about a situation in the context of an intended action.

  • Translation Equivalents: "for (doing something)", "to (do something)", "in order to"


To construct sentences using ~기에는, follow these steps:

  1. Verb Stem: Take the stem of the action verb.
  2. Attach ~기에는: Add ~기에는 to the verb stem.
[Verb Stem] + 기에는

Formation Diagram

Component Explanation Example
Verb Stem Remove -다 from the base form 먹다 → 먹
+ 기에는 Attach 기에는 먹 + 기에는 → 먹기에는

3. Comparative Analysis

~기에는 vs. ~기에

  • ~기에는: Emphasizes evaluation or judgment about the suitability of something for an action, often with a comparative nuance.
    • 이 음식은 아이들이 먹기에는 매워요.
      (This food is spicy for children to eat.)
  • ~기에: Indicates the reason or basis for an action, often translated as "because" or "since."
    • 날씨가 좋기에 산책을 했어요.
      (Because the weather was good, I took a walk.) Difference: ~기에 is used for reasons, while ~기에는 is used for assessing suitability.

4. Examples in Context

Example Sentences

  1. Informal Spoken
    • 이 방은 두 사람이 살기에는 좁아.
      This room is small for two people to live in.
  2. Formal Spoken
    • 이 옷은 겨울에 입기에는 너무 얇습니다.
      This clothing is too thin to wear in winter.
  3. Written Context
    • 그 책은 초보자가 읽기에는 내용이 어렵다.
      The book's content is difficult for a beginner to read.
  4. Polite Formal
    • 여기에 앉기에는 불편하지 않으세요?
      Isn't it uncomfortable for you to sit here?
  5. Suggestion
    • 이 정도 돈으로 여행을 가기에는 부족해요.
      This amount of money is insufficient to go on a trip.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Korean culture, expressing appropriate levels of politeness and making considerate judgments are important. Using ~기에는 allows the speaker to make evaluations or suggestions without being too direct, which aligns with the indirect communication style often preferred in Korean society.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 눈으로만 보기에는 아까운 작품이다.
    It's a masterpiece that's too precious just to look at with eyes (implying it should be experienced more deeply).

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Mistake: Confusing ~기에는 with ~기에 and misusing them interchangeably.
    • Incorrect: 시간이 없기에는 못 갔어요.
    • Correct: 시간이 없기에 못 갔어요.
      (I couldn't go because I didn't have time.)

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Remember that 에는 often relates to "for" or "in terms of," helping you recall that ~기에는 is about evaluating suitability "for doing" something.
  • Tip: Pay attention to the context of the sentence to determine whether you should use ~기에는 (evaluation) or ~기에 (reason).

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~기에는 is used to express an evaluation of suitability or sufficiency for performing an action.
  • Constructed by attaching ~기에는 to the verb stem.
  • It differs from ~기에, which indicates reason or basis for an action.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How do you attach ~기에는 to a verb?
    • Answer: Attach ~기에는 directly to the verb stem.
  2. Choose the correct grammar point for the sentence: This tea is too hot ___ drink quickly. a) 마시기에는
    b) 마시기에
    • Answer: a) 마시기에는
  3. True or False: ~기에는 is used to indicate the reason for an action.
    • Answer: False

By understanding and practicing ~기에는, you'll enhance your ability to express nuanced evaluations in Korean, making your speech more natural and context-appropriate.

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