Processing keyword: ~기에는 [gieneun] (For, in order to)
Korean Grammar Point: ~기에는 [gieneun] (For, in order to)
1. Introduction
In Korean, expressing purposes or evaluating situations often requires specific grammatical constructions. One such construction is ~기에는 (gi-eneun), which is used to assess or comment on the suitability or sufficiency of something for a particular action or situation. This lesson will delve into the usage of ~기에는, providing clear explanations, examples, and comparisons to help you grasp this grammar point effectively.
2. Core Grammar Explanation
Detailed Explanation
Meaning: The grammar point ~기에는 is used to express that something is (too... / not enough... / sufficient...) for doing a particular action. It often conveys evaluation or judgment about a situation in the context of an intended action.
- Translation Equivalents: "for (doing something)", "to (do something)", "in order to"
To construct sentences using ~기에는, follow these steps:
- Verb Stem: Take the stem of the action verb.
- Attach ~기에는: Add ~기에는 to the verb stem.
[Verb Stem] + 기에는
Formation Diagram
Component | Explanation | Example |
Verb Stem | Remove -다 from the base form | 먹다 → 먹 |
+ 기에는 | Attach 기에는 | 먹 + 기에는 → 먹기에는 |
3. Comparative Analysis
~기에는 vs. ~기에
- ~기에는: Emphasizes evaluation or judgment about the suitability of something for an action, often with a comparative nuance.
- 이 음식은 아이들이 먹기에는 매워요.
(This food is spicy for children to eat.)
- 이 음식은 아이들이 먹기에는 매워요.
- ~기에: Indicates the reason or basis for an action, often translated as "because" or "since."
- 날씨가 좋기에 산책을 했어요.
(Because the weather was good, I took a walk.) Difference: ~기에 is used for reasons, while ~기에는 is used for assessing suitability.
- 날씨가 좋기에 산책을 했어요.
4. Examples in Context
Example Sentences
- Informal Spoken
- 이 방은 두 사람이 살기에는 좁아.
This room is small for two people to live in.
- 이 방은 두 사람이 살기에는 좁아.
- Formal Spoken
- 이 옷은 겨울에 입기에는 너무 얇습니다.
This clothing is too thin to wear in winter.
- 이 옷은 겨울에 입기에는 너무 얇습니다.
- Written Context
- 그 책은 초보자가 읽기에는 내용이 어렵다.
The book's content is difficult for a beginner to read.
- 그 책은 초보자가 읽기에는 내용이 어렵다.
- Polite Formal
- 여기에 앉기에는 불편하지 않으세요?
Isn't it uncomfortable for you to sit here?
- 여기에 앉기에는 불편하지 않으세요?
- Suggestion
- 이 정도 돈으로 여행을 가기에는 부족해요.
This amount of money is insufficient to go on a trip.
- 이 정도 돈으로 여행을 가기에는 부족해요.
5. Cultural Notes
Cultural Relevance
In Korean culture, expressing appropriate levels of politeness and making considerate judgments are important. Using ~기에는 allows the speaker to make evaluations or suggestions without being too direct, which aligns with the indirect communication style often preferred in Korean society.
Idiomatic Expressions
- 눈으로만 보기에는 아까운 작품이다.
It's a masterpiece that's too precious just to look at with eyes (implying it should be experienced more deeply).
6. Common Mistakes and Tips
Error Analysis
- Mistake: Confusing ~기에는 with ~기에 and misusing them interchangeably.
- Incorrect: 시간이 없기에는 못 갔어요.
- Correct: 시간이 없기에 못 갔어요.
(I couldn't go because I didn't have time.)
Learning Strategies
- Mnemonic Device: Remember that 에는 often relates to "for" or "in terms of," helping you recall that ~기에는 is about evaluating suitability "for doing" something.
- Tip: Pay attention to the context of the sentence to determine whether you should use ~기에는 (evaluation) or ~기에 (reason).
7. Summary and Review
Key Takeaways
- ~기에는 is used to express an evaluation of suitability or sufficiency for performing an action.
- Constructed by attaching ~기에는 to the verb stem.
- It differs from ~기에, which indicates reason or basis for an action.
Quick Recap Quiz
- How do you attach ~기에는 to a verb?
- Answer: Attach ~기에는 directly to the verb stem.
- Choose the correct grammar point for the sentence: This tea is too hot ___ drink quickly.
a) 마시기에는
b) 마시기에- Answer: a) 마시기에는
- True or False: ~기에는 is used to indicate the reason for an action.
- Answer: False
By understanding and practicing ~기에는, you'll enhance your ability to express nuanced evaluations in Korean, making your speech more natural and context-appropriate.