Decoded Slug: (으)ㄹ 때 [(eu)l ttae] (When)

Korean Grammar Point
(으)ㄹ 때 [(eu)l ttae] (When)

(으)ㄹ 때 [(eu)l ttae] (When)

Short explanation:

Used to express 'when' and connect time clauses.


Verb stem + ㄹ 때 (If the verb stem ends with a vowel) / 을 때 (If the verb stem ends with a consonant)


여름에는 우리집에서 바다를 볼 때, 창문을 열면 시원한 바닷바람이 들어와요.
Yeoreumeneun urijibe seo bada reul bol ttae, changmuneul yeolmyeon siwonhan badabarami deureowayo.
In the summer, when we look at the ocean from our house, if we open the window, a cool sea breeze comes in.
학교를 갈 때, 버스를 타면 편해요.
Hakgyo reul gal ttae, beoseu reul tamyeon pyeonhaeyo.
When going to school, it's convenient to take the bus.
숙제를 할 때, 음악을 들으면 더 집중할 수 있어요.
Sukje reul hal ttae, eumakeul deureumyeon deo jipjunghal su issseoyo.
When doing homework, listening to music can help to concentrate better.
친구를 만날 때, 함께 식사를 하면 더 즐거워요.
Chingu reul mannal ttae, hamkke siksa reul hamyeon deo jeulgeowoyo.
When meeting friends, eating together is more enjoyable.

Long explanation:

'(으)ㄹ 때 [(eu)l ttae]' is a verb ending used in Korean to connect clauses related to time, similar to 'when' in English. It is used to express an action or state that takes place concurrently with or following the action or state of the main clause. The presence or absence of '으' is determined by the verb stem's final syllable.

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