Korean Grammar Point
항상 [hangsang] (Always)

항상 [hangsang] (Always)

Short explanation:

'항상 [hangsang]' is used to signify that something happens all the time or continuously.


항상 + Verb


제가 항상 아침에 일찍 일어나서 학교에 먼저 도착해요.
Jega hangsang achime iljjik ireonaseo hakgyoe meonjeo dochakhaeyo.
I always wake up early in the morning and arrive at school first.
우리 엄마는 항상 저녁 식사를 준비하면서 라디오를 들어요.
Uri eommaneun hangsang jeonyeok siksaleul junbihamyeonseo radioleul deuleoyo.
My mom always listens to the radio while preparing dinner.
그는 항상 공부를 철저히 계획하고 그대로 따라요.
Geuneun hangsang gongbuleul cheoljeohi gyehoekhago geudaero ddarayo.
He always thoroughly plans his studies and follows it.
공원에서는 항상 새가 노래를 부른다.
Gongweoneseoneun hangsang saega noraereul bureunda.
In the park, birds are always singing.

Long explanation:

'항상 [hangsang]' is an adverb used in Korean to demonstrate that an action, state or behavior is constant or continual. It is similar to the English adverb 'always'. Whether the action is in the past, present, or future, '항상' suggests it happens without any interruption.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: 항상 [hangsang] (Always)

Korean Grammar Point: 항상 [hangsang] (Always)

Korean Grammar Lesson: 항상 [hangsang] (Always)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the adverb 항상 [hangsang], which means "always" in English. 항상 is commonly used in Korean to express actions or states that occur consistently or without exception. Understanding how to use 항상 will help you describe habitual actions and emphasize the continuity of events in your daily conversations.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Meaning and Usage

항상 is an adverb that modifies verbs and adjectives to indicate that something happens "always," "all the time," or "consistently." It's used to express habitual actions, regular occurrences, or permanent states.

Structure and Formation

The basic structure using 항상 is:

[Subject] + [항상] + [Verb/Adjective]
  • 항상 is placed before the verb or adjective it modifies.
  • It does not conjugate or change form.

Sentence Diagram

[저는] + [항상] + [커피를 마셔요].
(I)    + (always) + (drink coffee).

3. Comparative Analysis

항상 vs. 늘 [neul]

Both 항상 and mean "always," but there are subtle differences:

  • 항상
    • More common in spoken language.
    • Neutral tone; used in general contexts.
    • Slightly poetic or literary.
    • Often used in written language, poetry, or to add emphasis. Example:
  • 항상 노력해요.
    • I always make an effort.
  • 늘 행복하세요.
    • Always be happy. (More heartfelt or poetic)

4. Examples in Context

Formal Speech

  1. 저는 항상 아침에 운동합니다.
    • I always exercise in the morning.
  2. 그분은 회의에 항상 참석하십니다.
    • He/She always attends the meetings.

Informal Speech

  1. 너는 항상 늦게 일어나.
    • You always wake up late.
  2. 우리는 항상 그 카페에 가.
    • We always go to that café.

Written Language

  1. 항상 사랑과 행복이 함께하기를 바랍니다.
    • I wish you always have love and happiness.
  2. 환경을 보호하는 것은 항상 중요합니다.
    • Protecting the environment is always important.

Spoken Language

  1. 엄마는 항상 맛있는 음식을 만드셔.
    • Mom always makes delicious food.
  2. 친구들은 항상 내 곁에 있어.
    • My friends are always by my side.

5. Cultural Notes

Politeness and Formality

In Korean, the level of politeness is crucial. While 항상 remains the same, verbs must be conjugated appropriately.

  • Formal Polite Ending: -ㅂ니다/습니다
    • 저는 항상 당신을 응원합니다.
      • I always support you.
  • Informal Polite Ending: -아요/어요
    • 저는 항상 음악을 들어요.
      • I always listen to music.
  • Casual Ending: -아/어
    • 나는 항상 바빠.
      • I'm always busy.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. 항상 마음에 둬.
    • Always keep it in mind.
  2. 항상 준비되어 있어.
    • Always be prepared. These expressions reflect the Korean value of mindfulness and preparedness.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Incorrect Placement:
    • Incorrect: 저는 커피를 항상 마셔요.
    • Correct: 저는 항상 커피를 마셔요.
    • Tip: Place 항상 directly before the verb for clarity.
  • Confusing with Similar Adverbs:
    • 자주 [jaju]: often
    • 때때로 [ttaettaero]: sometimes
    • Tip: Remember that 항상 implies without exception, while 자주 means something happens frequently but not always.

Learning Strategies

  • Association: Link 항상 with the idea of habitual actions that you do every day.
  • Practice: Write down your daily routines using 항상 to become comfortable with its placement.
  • Visual Reminder: Think of 항상 as a constant loop 🔄 in your daily life.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • 항상 means "always" and is used to express consistent or habitual actions.
  • It is placed before the verb or adjective it modifies.
  • Be aware of the level of politeness when conjugating verbs in sentences using 항상.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank with the correct placement of 항상: 그는 ___ 늦어요.

    • Answer: 그는 항상 늦어요.
      • He is always late.
  2. Translate to Korean: We always study Korean together.

    • Answer: 우리는 항상 같이 한국어를 공부해요.
  3. True or False: 항상 can be placed after the verb it modifies.

    • Answer: False
      • 항상 should be placed before the verb.

By mastering 항상, you've taken another step toward fluency in expressing habitual actions in Korean. Keep practicing by incorporating 항상 into sentences about your routines and preferences!


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