Korean Grammar Point
아/어/여야 되다 [a/eo/yeoya doeda] (Must, have to)

Used to express obligation or necessity; 'must', 'have to'.


Verb stem + 아/어/여 + 야 되다


병원에 가려면 건강 검사를 받아야 돼요. 그래야 안심하고 공부할 수 있죠.

Byeongwone garyeomyeon geongang geomsa-reul bad-aya dwaeyo. Geuraeya ansimhago gongbuhal su itjyo.

If you want to go to the hospital, you must get a health checkup. Only then can you study with peace of mind.

이번 달 매출을 늘리려면 더 많은 고객을 끌어들여야 돼요. 그래야 수익이 오를 거예요.

Ibeon dal maechuleul neulliryeomyeon deo manheun gogaegeul kkeureodeuryeoya dwaeyo. Geuraeya su-igi oreul geoyeyo.

To increase this month's sales, you have to attract more customers. That's how the profit will go up.

학교에 가기 전에는 아침 식사를 꼭 해야 돼요. 그래야 하루 종일 에너지를 유지하거든요.

Hakgyoe gagi jeoneneun achim siksareul kkok haeya dwaeyo. Geuraeya haru jongil eneojireul yujihageodeunyo.

You must eat breakfast before going to school. That way you can maintain your energy all day.

내일 시험이 있으니까 오늘 밤에 공부해야 돼요. 안 그러면 점수가 안 좋을 거예요.

Naeil siheomi issnikka oneul bame gongbuhaeya dwaeyo. An geureomyeon jeomsuga an joeul geoyeyo.

I have an exam tomorrow, so I must study tonight. Otherwise, I'll get a bad score.

Long Explanation

'아/어/여야 되다' conveys an obligation or necessity, similar to 'must' or 'have to' in English. It is attached to the verb stem with the appropriate connector (아, 어, or 여), followed by '야 되다'. This indicates the speaker believes that action is required or unavoidable.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: 아/어/여야 되다 [a/eo/yeoya doeda] (Must, have to)

Korean Grammar Point: 아/어/여야 되다 [a/eo/yeoya doeda] (Must, have to)

1. Introduction

The grammar pattern 아/어/여야 되다 is a fundamental Korean expression used to indicate necessity or obligation. It translates to "must" or "have to" in English and is essential for conveying that an action is required or mandatory.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


  • 아/어/여야 되다 expresses that something must be done or has to happen.


[Verb Stem] + 아/어/여야 되다 (or 아/어/여야 하다)
  • The choice among 아야, 어야, or 여야 depends on the vowel of the verb stem.
  • 되다 and 하다 can be used interchangeably after the ending, with slight nuances.

Formation Diagram

How to Form 아/어/여야 되다:

  1. Identify the Verb Stem: Remove from the dictionary form of the verb.

    • 가다 → 가
    • 먹다 → 먹
    • 공부하다 → 공부하
  2. Determine the Connector:

    • If the last vowel of the verb stem is or , add -아야 되다.
    • If the last vowel is anything else, add -어야 되다.
    • For verbs ending with 하다, change to -여야 되다 (often contracts to -해야 되다).
  3. Attach 되다/하다:

    • Both 되다 and 하다 are acceptable. 되다 is slightly more colloquial, 하다 is more formal.

Visual Aid: Conjugation Table

Verb (Dictionary Form) Verb Stem Ending Conjugated Form Translation
가다 (to go) -아야 되다 가야 되다 Must go
먹다 (to eat) -어야 되다 먹어야 된다 Must eat
쓰다 (to write) -어야 되다 써야 되다 Must write
듣다 (to listen) -어야 되다 들어야 되다 Must listen
공부하다 (to study) 공부하 -여야 되다 공부해야 되다 Must study

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing with Similar Grammar Points

  • -아/어야 되다 vs. -아/어야겠다
    • -아/어야 되다: Expresses obligation or necessity.
      • 예: 지금 가야 돼요. (I have to go now.)
    • -아/어야겠다: Indicates speaker's determination or intention.
      • 예: 운동을 시작해야겠어요. (I guess I should start exercising.)
  • -아/어서는 안 되다
    • Means "must not" or "should not", expressing prohibition.
      • 예: 여기에 쓰레기를 버려서는 안 돼요. (You must not throw trash here.)
  • -면 안 되다
    • Similar to -아/어서는 안 되다, used to state that something is not allowed.
      • 예: 지금 들어가면 안 돼요. (You can't enter now.)

4. Examples in Context

Formal Speech

  1. 회의에 늦으면 안 됩니다. 시간이 되면 출발해야 합니다.
    • Hoee-e neujeumyeon an doemnida. Sigani doemyeon chulbalhaeya hamnida.
    • You must not be late for the meeting. You have to depart when it's time.
  2. 모든 신청자는 신청서를 작성해야 합니다.
    • Modeun sincheongjaneun sincheongseoreul jakseonghaeya hamnida.
    • All applicants must fill out the application form.

Informal Speech

  1. 나 먼저 가야 돼. 할 일이 많아.
    • Na meonjeo gaya dwae. Hal iri mana.
    • I have to go first. I have a lot to do.
  2. 오늘까지 보고서를 제출해야 해.
    • Oneulkkaji bogoseoreul jechulhaeya hae.
    • I have to submit the report by today.

Conversational Context

  1. A: 내일 영화 보러 갈래?

    • Naeil yeonghwa boreo gallae?
    • Do you want to go see a movie tomorrow?

    B: 미안해, 내일은 일해야 돼서 안 될 것 같아.

    • Mianhae, naeireun ilhaeya dwaeseo an doel geot gata.
    • Sorry, I think I can't because I have to work tomorrow.
  2. 수업 시작 전에 교재를 사야 돼요.

    • Sueop sijak jeone gyojaereul saya dwaeyo.
    • You have to buy the textbook before the class starts.

Written Context

  1. 학생들은 학칙을 준수해야 합니다.
    • Haksaengdeureun hakchigeul junsuhaeya hamnida.
    • Students must comply with the school regulations.
  2. 안전을 위해 안전벨트를 매야 합니다.
    • Anjeon-eul wihae anjeonbelteureul maeya hamnida.
    • You must fasten your seatbelt for safety.

5. Cultural Notes

Politeness Levels

  • -아/어야 돼요: Standard polite form, suitable for most situations.
  • -아/어야 합니다: Formal polite form, used in official contexts, speeches, or writing.
  • -아/어야 돼: Casual form, used among close friends or peers.

Cultural Relevance

  • Showing respect and politeness is crucial in Korean culture; using the appropriate speech level when expressing obligations reflects one’s awareness of social hierarchy and relationships.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 해야 할 일이 산더미예요.
    • Haeya hal iri sandeomieyo.
    • I have a mountain of things I have to do.
  • 시간이 없으니까 서둘러야겠어요.
    • Sigani eopseunikka seodulleoya gesseoyo.
    • I guess I have to hurry since there's no time.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Incorrect Vowel Harmony
    • Misusing -아야 and -어야 endings.
      • Incorrect: 먹아야 돼요 (meokaya dwaeyo)
      • Correct: 먹어야 돼요 (meogeoya dwaeyo)
  2. Omitting 되다/하다
    • Forgetting to add 되다 or 하다 after -아/어/여야.
      • Incorrect: 가야 학교에.
      • Correct: 가야 돼요 학교에.
  3. Using the Wrong Verb Form
    • Confusing with future tense or other grammar structures.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic for Endings:
    • ㅏ or ㅗ아야
    • Other vowels어야
    • 하다 verbs여야 (contracts to 해야)
  • Practice with Common Verbs:
    • Make sentences using frequently used verbs to become familiar with the pattern.
  • Visualize the Obligation:
    • Think of 아/어/여야 되다 as "In order to proceed, doing X is necessary."

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • 아/어/여야 되다 is used to express that one must or has to perform an action.
  • The ending attached to the verb stem depends on vowel harmony.
  • 되다 and 하다 after 아/어/여야 are often interchangeable.
  • Proper use of speech levels is important to convey the correct level of politeness.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Conjugate the verb 표를 사다 (to buy a ticket) using 아/어/여야 되다.
    • Answer: 표를 사야 돼요.
  2. Translate to Korean: "We must arrive before 10 o'clock."
    • Answer: 우리는 10시 전에 도착해야 돼요.
  3. Identify and correct the mistake:
    • 내일은 일하어야 돼요.
    • Correction: 내일은 일해야 돼요.

By understanding and practicing 아/어/여야 되다, you can effectively express obligations and necessities in Korean, enhancing both your communication skills and cultural understanding.

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