Decoded Slug: 만 [man] (Only)

Korean Grammar Point
만 [man] (Only)

만 [man] (Only)

Short explanation:

'만 [man]' is used to express the concept of 'only' or 'just' in Korean.


Noun + 만


저는 커피만 마십니다, 차는 마시지 않아요.
Jeoneun keopiman masimnida, chaneun masiji anhayo.
I only drink coffee, I don’t drink tea.
제 친구는 한국어만 할 줄 알아요, 다른 언어는 할 줄 모르겠어요.
Je chinguneun hangugeoman hal jul arayo, dareun eoneoneun hal jul moreugesseoyo.
My friend only knows how to speak Korean, I don't think he can speak any other languages.
저는 데이트를 할 때 영화만 보러 가요, 다른 활동은 잘 안 하게 돼요.
Jeoneun deiteureul hal ttae yeonghwaman boreo gayo, dareun hwaldongeun jal an hage dwaeyo.
When I go on dates, I only go to movies, I don't really do any other activities.
이번 달에는 돈을 아끼려고 나는 교통비만 썼어요, 다른 것들에는 돈을 안 썼어요.
Ibeon dareuneneun doneul akkiryeogo naneun gyotongbiman sseosseoyo, dareun geosdeureneun doneul an sseosseoyo.
This month, to save money, I only spent on transportation, I didn't spend on other things.

Long explanation:

'만 [man]' is a post-positional particle in Korean language that specifies exclusivity, indicating that the preceding object or person is the 'only' one in the context. The noun before '만' is the only thing or person involved in the action, underlining a sense of limitation. The usage of this particle effectively highlights the exclusivity of the subject in the proceeding action or context.

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