Japanese essentials
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to act, to perform
Kare wa eiga de subarashii engi o shiteita
He was performing brilliantly in the movie.
Kanojo wa butai de kandouteki na engi o suru
She performs emotively on stage.
to graduate from
Rainen no haru ni daigaku o sotsugyou suru yotei desu.
I am planning to graduate from university next spring.
Kare wa watashitachi no koukou o sotsugyou shita bakari desu.
He has just graduated from our high school.
to persuade
Kare o settoku suru tame ni, iroiro na riyuu o narabemashita.
In order to persuade him, I listed various reasons.
Chichi wa watashi ga ryuugaku suru koto ni hantai shita node, nagai aida settoku suru hitsuyou ga arimashita.
My father was opposed to me studying abroad, so it took me a long time to persuade him.
to record, to write down
Kare wa mainichi no dekigoto o nikki ni kiroku shite iru
He records daily events in his diary.
Miitingu no naiyou o kiroku suru tame ni nooto o toru
I take notes to record the contents of the meeting.
to come down, to descent, to drop
Kabuka ga kakou shiteiru.
The stock price is falling.
Ondo ga kyuusoku ni kakou shiteiru.
The temperature is dropping rapidly.
to take turns, to take a person's place
Kyou no shigoto o oeta ra, ashita no chiimu to koutai shimasu.
After finishing today's work, we will switch with tomorrow's team.
Untensha ga tsukaretara, tochuu de unten o koutai shinasai.
If the driver gets tired, switch driving midway.
to permit
Kare wa sono keikaku ni taishite kyoka o suru to kettei shita.
He decided to grant permission for that plan.
Joushi kara purojekuto o kaishi suru kyoka o moratta.
I got permission from my boss to start the project.
to make a living, to support oneself
Hitori de seikatsu suru no wa hajimete no keiken da
Living alone is my first experience.
Karera wa inaka de nonbiri to seikatsu suru koto o yume mite iru
They dream of living a leisurely life in the countryside.
to admire, to be impressed
Kanojo no ryouri no udemae ni wa kanshin suru
I admire her cooking skills.
Kare no doryoku ni kanshin shimasu
I admire his effort.
to travel
Natsuyasumi ni kazoku de kaigai e ryokou suru yotei desu.
We plan to travel abroad with the family during the summer vacation.
Tomodachi to issho ni Nihon e ryokou suru koto ga yume desu.
It is my dream to travel to Japan with my friends.
to study abroad
Kanojo wa Furansu ni ryuugaku suru koto ni shimashita.
She decided to study abroad in France.
Watashi wa daigaku de Nihongo o benkyou shita ato, Nihon e ryuugaku suru yotei desu.
After studying Japanese at university, I plan to study abroad in Japan.
to employ, to adopt (measures)
Kono kikaku wa hijou ni yoi to omou node, saiyou suru koto ni kimemashita.
I decided to adopt this project because I think it's very good.
Kanojo no teian ga subarashikatta tame, sugu ni saiyou suru koto ni shimashita.
I decided to adopt her proposal immediately as it was wonderful.
to investigate, to inquire into, to examine
Intaanetto de jouhou o chousa suru
Investigate information on the Internet.
Kono mondai ni tsuite kuwashiku chousa suru hitsuyou ga arimasu
We need to investigate this issue in detail.
to repair, to mend, to fix
Koshou shita kuruma o shuuri suru tame ni, shuuri koujou ni motte iku hitsuyou ga aru.
To repair the broken car, it is necessary to take it to a repair workshop.
Sumahtofon ga totsuzen kowareta node, soukyuu ni shuuri suru hitsuyou ga arimasu.
My smartphone suddenly broke, so I need to repair it as soon as possible.
to control
Sono kikai o kontorōru suru hōhō o manabu koto ga juuyou da
It is important to learn how to control that machine.
Sutoresu o kontorōru suru gijutsu o mi ni tsukeru koto ga taisetsu desu
It is important to acquire stress control techniques.
to study, to give a discount
Mainichi 2 jikan Eigo o benkyou suru
I study English for two hours every day.
Shuumatsu wa toshokan de benkyou suru koto ga ooi desu
I often study at the library on weekends.
to instruct
Bukka ni shigoto o shiji suru
Give instructions to subordinates on their work.
Sensei ga gakusei ni shukudai o shiji suru
The teacher assigns homework to the students.
to manage, to conduct, to run (a business)
Kare wa chiisana kigyou o keiei shiteimasu.
He is managing a small company.
Kono resutoran wa kazoku de keiei shiteimasu.
This restaurant is operated by a family.
to maintain, to support, to keep
Kenkou o iji suru tame ni, mainichi undou shiteimasu.
I exercise every day to maintain my health.
Sekai heiwa o iji suru tame ni wa, kokusai kyouryoku ga hitsuyou desu.
International cooperation is necessary to maintain world peace.
to cancel
Yoyaku o kyanseru suru hitsuyou ga arimasu.
I need to cancel the reservation.
Kare wa kanojo to no deeto o kyanseru shimashita.
He canceled the date with her.
to introduce, to present
Kono kiji de wa, atarashii seihin o shoukai shimasu.
In this article, we will introduce a new product.
Kanojo wa watashi ni kanojo no tomodachi o shoukai shimashita.
She introduced me to her friends.
to manage, to control, to administer
Heya no kanri o shikkari to okonawanakereba naranai.
We have to manage the room properly.
Okane o jouzu ni kanri suru koto ga juuyou desu.
It is important to manage money skillfully.
to limit, to restrict
Kono shouhin wa suuryou gentei de hatsubai saremasu
This product will be released in limited quantities.
Kono kyanpe-n wa kikan gentei desu
This campaign is for a limited time only.
to arrest, to apprehend
Hannin o taihosuru tame ni, keisatsu ga sousa o okonatta.
The police conducted an investigation to arrest the criminal.
Keisatsu wa utagai no aru jinbutsu o taihosuru kengen o motte iru.
The police have the authority to arrest suspected individuals.
to finish, to complete
Purojekuto ga iyoiyo kansei suru hi ga chikazuite iru.
The day for the project to be finally completed is approaching.
Kenchikuka wa kono biru no dezain o kansei suru yotei desu.
The architect plans to complete the design of this building.
to deny, to negate
Kare wa watashi no iken o kanzen ni hitei shita.
He completely denied my opinion.
Kagakusha-tachi wa sono setsu o hitei shimashita.
The scientists denied that theory.
to prepare
Ryokou no tame ni nimotsu o junbi shinakereba naranai
I have to prepare my luggage for the trip.
Shiken ni goukaku suru tame ni, juubun ni junbi suru koto ga taisetsu da
In order to pass the exam, it is important to prepare sufficiently.
to interview
Ashita, kaisha de mensetsu suru koto ni narimashita.
I have an interview at the company tomorrow.
Hitsuyou na shorui o teishutsu shita ato, mensetsu suru yotei desu.
After submitting the necessary documents, I plan to have an interview.
to imagine, to guess
Mirai no sekai o souzou suru no wa muzukashii.
It's difficult to imagine the world of the future.
Kanojo ga donna kanji de yorokobu ka o souzou shinagara purezento o erabimashita.
I chose a present while imagining how she would be happy.
to guide, to lead
Kankoukyaku o kankouchi e annai suru.
To guide tourists to tourist sites.
Shiyakusho ni iku houhou o annai shite kudasai.
Please guide me on how to get to the city hall.
to prove, to testify, to certify
Kare wa jibun no mujitsu o shoumei suru tame ni hisshi ni doryoku shita.
He desperately tried to prove his innocence.
Kono jikken wa, sono riron ga tadashii koto o shoumei suru mokuteki ga arimasu.
The purpose of this experiment is to prove that the theory is correct.
to misunderstand
Kare no kotoba o gokai suru hito ga ookatta
Many people misunderstood his words.
Kanojo no taido ni yotte, gokai sareru koto ga yoku aru
Her attitude often leads to misunderstandings.
to insist on, to assert, to emphasise
Kare wa jibun no iken o tsuyoku shuchou shita
He strongly asserted his opinion.
Sorezore no kuni ga jikoku no rieki o shuchou suru no wa touzen da
It's natural for each country to claim its own interests.
to follow online (IT term)
Kanojo no hatsugen ni taisuru forō suru koto ga hitsuyou da.
It is necessary to follow up on her statement.
Jōshi no shiji ni shitagatte, forō suru you tsutome masu.
I will try to follow my boss's instructions.
to record (sound)
Sono raibu no ongaku o rokuon suru koto ga kyoka sarete imasu ka?
Is it allowed to record the music from that live show?
Sensei no kougi o rokuon shite, atode kiku koto ni shimashita
I decided to record the teacher's lecture and listen to it later.
to explode, to burst, to blow up
Kazan ga totsuzen bakuhatsu shita.
The volcano suddenly erupted.
Gasu more ga gen'in de ie ga bakuhatsu shita.
The house exploded due to a gas leak.
to unify, to unite
Kuni o touitsu suru tame ni, kare wa nagai tatakai o tsuzuketa.
He continued the long battle to unify the country.
Kaisha wa, juugyouin no seifuku o touitsu suru koto o kettei shimashita.
The company decided to unify the uniforms of its employees.
to manage, to run, to administer
Kono ibento o un'ei suru no wa kanojotachi no guruupu desu.
The group in charge of running this event is their group.
Kono kaisha wa nijuu nenkan seikou shite un'ei shite kimashita.
This company has been operating successfully for 20 years.
to be convinced
Kare no setsumei ni nattoku shita
I was convinced by his explanation.
Kanojo wa riyuu ga wakatte nattoku shita
She understood the reason and was convinced.
to be tense, to be nervous
Shotaime no hito to hanasu to, doushitemo kinchou shite shimau
When talking to someone for the first time, I can't help but get nervous.
Mensetsu de wa kinchou shinai you ni, jizen ni junbi o shikkari to okonau
In order not to get nervous during an interview, be well-prepared beforehand.
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