Japanese essentials
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to work all night
Shiken benkyou no tame ni, kon'ya wa tetsuya suru tsumori da.
I plan to stay up all night tonight for exam study.
Kare wa purojekuto o owaraseru tame, tetsuya shite hataraita.
He worked all night to finish the project.
to retire, to give up one's position
Kare wa sanjuu-sai de puro yakyuu senshu toshite intai suru koto ni shita
He decided to retire as a professional baseball player at the age of 30.
Kotoshi, kanojo wa geinoukai kara intai suru koto o happyou shimashita
This year, she announced that she would retire from the entertainment industry.
to be steady, to be stable
Keizai ga antei suru koto ga kokumin no seikatsu ni yoi eikyou o ataeru.
Economic stability has a positive impact on the lives of citizens.
Ichido antei shita joutai ni naru to, mohaya ookina henka wa arimasen.
Once you reach a stable state, there will be no more significant changes.
to make progress, to advance
Gijutsu ga hibi shinpo shiteimasu
Technology is progressing day by day.
Kenkyuu ni yori, igaku wa chakujitsu ni shinpo shiteiru
Thanks to research, medicine is steadily advancing.
to become independent
Kodomo-tachi wa seichou suru ni tsurete jiritsu suru beki da.
Children should become independent as they grow up.
Kare wa daigaku o sotsugyou-go, jiritsu suru tame ni hitori gurashi o hajimeta.
After graduating from college, he started living alone to become independent.
to translate
Kanojo wa eigo no bunsho o nihongo ni hon'yaku suru koto ga dekimasu
She can translate English documents into Japanese.
Kono shousetsu wa ooku no gengo ni honyaku sarete imasu
This novel has been translated into many languages.
to take care of, to look after (someone)
Byouki no hahaoya o sewa suru tame ni shigoto o yasunda
I took time off work to take care of my sick mother.
Kare wa tomodachi no petto o sewa suru no ga suki da
He enjoys taking care of his friends' pets.
to exist
Kono sekai ni wa michi no seibutsu ga mada sonzai suru to shinjite iru
I believe that there are still unknown creatures existing in this world.
Mahou ga jissai ni sonzai suru to shitara, dono you na chikara o motte iru no darou
If magic really exists, what kind of power would it have?
to regulate, to adjust
Sukeju-ru o chousei suru hitsuyou ga aru
There is a need to adjust the schedule.
Shigoto to puraibeeto no baransu o chousei suru koto ga taisetsu da
It's important to adjust the balance between work and private life.
to regret, to repent, to be sorry
Kare wa sono sentaku o koukai shite ita.
He regretted making that choice.
Konkai no shiken no junbi o okotatta node, koukai shiteimasu.
I regret not preparing well for this exam.
to stimulate, to irritate, to excite
Eiga wa watashitachi no kanjou o shigeki suru
Movies stimulate our emotions.
Atarashii aidea wa kurieitibu na hassou o shigeki suru
New ideas stimulate creative thinking.
to be against, to be opposed
Kare wa sono keikaku ni hantai suru ishi o tsuyoku motte iru.
He has a strong intention to oppose the plan.
Ooku no hitobito ga kare no iken ni hantai shite kougi no koe o ageta.
Many people opposed his opinion and raised their voices in protest.
to observe, to watch closely
Kare wa tori o kansatsu suru no ga daisuki da.
He loves to observe birds.
Kenkyuusha-tachi wa doubutsu no koudou o kansatsu suru tame ni mori ni itta.
The researchers went to the forest to observe the behavior of animals.
to add up, to total
Goukei suru to, watashitachi no hiyou wa go man en ni narimasu
In total, our expenses will be 50,000 yen.
Kongetsu no uriage o goukei suru to, ni hyaku man en o koemashita
When we totaled this month's sales, they exceeded 2 million yen.
to hesitate, to waver
Kare wa itsumo ketsudan ga osoi node, nanigoto mo chuucho suru to uwasa sareteimasu.
He is always slow to make decisions, so he is rumored to be always hesitating about everything.
Kanojo wa amari ni mo chuucho shite, chansu o nogashite shimatta.
She hesitated too much and missed her chance.
to be relieved, to feel secure
Kare ni denwa ga kakatte kite, kanojo wa anshin shimashita
When he called, she felt relieved.
Sono setsumei o kiite, watashitachi wa anshin shimashita
After hearing that explanation, we felt relieved.
to process, to manufacture
Sakana wa kakou suru koto de hozon ga kiku.
Processing fish makes it easier to preserve.
Sono koujou de wa, kinzoku o kakou shite iru.
That factory processes metals.
to specialize, to major in
Kare wa daigaku de keizaigaku o senkou shite iru
He is majoring in economics at the university.
Watashi wa igaku o senkou suru tame ni daigaku ni nyuugaku shimashita
I entered the university to major in medicine.
to point out
Kare wa watashi no machigai o shiteki shite kureta.
He pointed out my mistake.
Sensei wa watashi no ronbun ni ikutsu ka no mondaiten o shiteki shita.
The teacher pointed out several issues in my thesis.
to pass (mainly used in sports)
Kare wa aite ni booru o pasu suru no ga tokui da
He is good at passing the ball to his teammates.
Shiai de wa, muri ni shuuto o utazu, taimingu ga yokereba pasu suru koto ga taisetsu da
In a game, it's important to pass the ball when the timing is right, rather than forcing a shot.
to restore, to recuperate
Byouki ga kaifuku suru noni jikan ga kakarimashita.
It took time to recover from the illness.
Kabuka wa geraku shita ato, kyuusoku ni kaifuku shimashita.
The stock price recovered rapidly after falling.
to assume, to suppose
Kono mondai o toku tame ni, mazu katei o tateru koto ga hitsuyou da.
In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to first make an assumption.
Kare ga iu koto ga tadashii to katei shite mimashou.
Let's assume that what he says is correct.
to succeed
Kono purojekuto o seikou saseru tame ni wa, kyouryoku ga hitsuyou da
Cooperation is needed to make this project successful.
Kare wa doryoku shite, shiken ni seikou shita
He made an effort and succeeded in the exam.
to invent
Kare wa subarashii kikai o hatsumei shimashita
He invented a wonderful machine.
Kagakusha-tachi wa atarashii enerugii gen o hatsumei suru koto o mezashite iru
Scientists are aiming to invent a new energy source.
to drag with a (computer) mouse
Fairu o doraggu shite, betsu no foruda ni idou sasemasu.
Drag the file to move it to another folder.
Moji o doraggu shite sentaku shite kudasai.
Please drag and select the characters.
to take a meal
Kanojo to issho ni shokuji suru no wa tanoshimi da
I look forward to having a meal with her.
Kazoku de gaishoku shite, tanoshiku shokuji suru koto ga suki da
I like going out to eat and having a fun meal with my family.
to have dealings with
Kare to torihiki suru no wa hajimete desu.
This is my first time dealing with him.
Sono kigyou to naganen torihiki shiteimasu.
We have been dealing with that company for many years.
to jog
Asa hayaku kouen de jogingu suru no ga suki desu
I like jogging in the park early in the morning.
Shuu ni san-kai jogingu suru koto de kenkou o iji shiteimasu
I maintain my health by jogging three times a week.
to analyze, to break down
Sono dēta o bunseki suru tame ni wa, senmon-teki na chishiki ga hitsuyō desu.
To analyze that data, specialized knowledge is required.
Ichiba chōsa no kekka o bunseki suru koto de, bijinesu senryaku o tateru koto ga dekimasu.
By analyzing the results of market research, you can develop business strategies.
to commemorate
Sotsugyoushiki o kinen suru paatii o hiraku koto ni shita.
We decided to hold a party to commemorate the graduation ceremony.
Kanojo no tanjoubi o kinen shite sapuraizu purezento o youishita.
I prepared a surprise gift to commemorate her birthday.
to cook
Kon'ya, oishii ryouri o tsukurou.
Let's prepare a delicious meal tonight.
Haha wa ryouri o suru no ga tokui desu.
My mother is good at cooking.
to be patient, to endure
Itami o gaman suru hitsuyou ga aru toki mo arimasu
Sometimes, you need to endure the pain.
Kono samusa ni gaman suru no wa hontou ni taihen desu
It is really difficult to bear this cold.
to increase, to grow, to augment
to dance
Konya wa kurabu de dansu suru yotei ga aru.
I have plans to dance at the club tonight.
Kinou, kanojo to issho ni dansu suru kikai ga atta.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to dance with her.
to prosper, to flourish
Kigyou ga han'ei suru tame ni wa, juunansei to kakushin ga juuyou de aru.
Flexibility and innovation are important for a company to thrive.
Han'ei suru kokka ni wa, kyouryoku na shidousha ga iru koto ga ippanteki da.
It is common for thriving nations to have strong leaders.
to visit, to call on, to pay a visit
Ashita tomodachi no ie o houmon suru yotei desu
I plan to visit my friend's house tomorrow.
Raishuu, daigaku no sensei ga watashitachi no koukou o houmon suru koto ni natteimasu
Next week, a university teacher is scheduled to visit our high school.
to marry
Kanojo to kekkon suru koto ni kimemashita
I have decided to marry her.
Karera wa rainen kekkon suru yotei desu
They are planning to get married next year.
to predict, to anticipate
Ashita no tenki o yosou suru no wa muzukashii.
It is difficult to predict tomorrow's weather.
Shiken no kekka o yosou suru koto wa dekimasen.
I cannot predict the results of the exam.
to judge, to conclude
Kare wa joukyou o tadashiku handan suru nouryoku ga aru.
He has the ability to judge the situation correctly.
Sono michi o erabu beki ka dou ka, jibun de handan shinakereba narimasen.
You have to decide for yourself whether or not to choose that path.
to invite
Kare o paatii ni shoutai suru tsumori desu.
I plan to invite him to the party.
Kondo no shuumatsu, kazoku o yuushoku ni shoutai shimashou.
Let's invite our family for dinner this weekend.
to operate, to handle
Kuruma no unten wa tadashii sousa ga juuyou da.
Proper operation is important when driving a car.
Konpyuuta wo jouzu ni sousa suru ni wa renshuu ga hitsuyou da.
Practice is necessary to operate a computer skillfully.
to arrive
Kyou no yuugata, tomodachi ga Toukyou ni touchaku suru yotei desu.
My friend is scheduled to arrive in Tokyo this evening.
Kuukou ni touchaku suru to sugu, nimotsu o uketori ni ikimasu.
When I arrive at the airport, I will go to collect my luggage immediately.
to be promoted
Kotoshi no haru, kare wa buchou ni shoushin suru yotei desu.
He is scheduled to be promoted to department head this spring.
Kanojo no doryoku no kekka, tsuini joushi ga kanojo o shoushin sasemashita.
As a result of her efforts, her boss finally promoted her.
to contract, to make a contract with
Kyou wa atarashii apaato to keiyaku suru yotei desu
I'm planning to sign a contract for a new apartment today.
Keitai denwa gaisha to keiyaku suru mae ni, puran o yoku hikaku kentou shimashou
Before signing a contract with a mobile phone company, let's carefully compare and consider plans.
to mix
Ongaku o mikkusu suru no ga tokui da
I am good at mixing music.
Yasai to kudamono o mikkusu shite sumūjī o tsukuru
Mix vegetables and fruits to make a smoothie.
to hold (an event)
Konshūmatsu ni konsāto ga kaisai saremasu.
The concert will be held this weekend.
Raigetsu, kekkonshiki o kaisai suru yotei desu.
We are planning to hold a wedding ceremony next month.
to permit or approve tacitly
Kanojo no ayamachi o mokunin suru koto wa dekimasen.
I cannot condone her mistakes.
Sono mondai o mokunin suru no wa, sekinin o nogareru koto ni naru.
Condoning that issue would mean evading responsibility.
to plan
Rainen no ryokou o keikaku suru no ga tanoshii desu
It is fun to plan next year's trip.
Kare wa kekkonshiki no junbi o keikaku shiteimasu
He is planning the preparations for the wedding ceremony.
to magnify, to enlarge, to expand
Kaisha wa kaigai shijou e no shinshutsu o kakudai suru keikaku desu
The company plans to expand its entry into overseas markets.
Inta-netto no riyou wa nen nen kakudai shiteimasu
Internet usage is expanding year by year.
to postpone, to put off
Sono purojekuto no shimekiri ga enki saremashita
The deadline for that project has been postponed.
Shiken ga ame no tame ni enki sareru koto ga aru
Exams may be postponed due to rain.
to be related, to have a relationship
Kore wa kare no shigoto ni chokusetsu kankei suru mondai desu
This is a problem directly related to his work.
Kanojo no taido wa kono mondai ni kankei shite iru to omoimasu
I think her attitude is related to this issue.
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